And So We Meet...

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*Robyn's P.O.V*

It's been a couple of weeks since I've last seen Michael, so I figured I'd surprise him at his house.

As I pull up into the driveway, I notice a pretty red convertible. Zebra print seat covers? That's definitely a chick's car. Must be one of his sisters'.

As soon as I knock on the door it opens.

"Robyn! What are you doing here? I've missed you", he says while hugging me.

I hug him back. "I've missed you too. I wanted to surprise you but I see you have company."

We release each other and he began to stutter. "Right. Y-yeah, but it's fine, come in..."

I squint my eyes in confusion. We make it to the living room and I see the kids playing, as well as a beautiful woman sitting in a chair. She is definitely no sister of his. That explains the slight stuttering.

"Robyn, this is Josie, my friend. Josie, this is Robyn... my girlfriend", he introduces.

A smirk appears on her face. "So, you're the mystery woman who stole my place."

I let out a small laugh. "What...I didn't know-"

"I'm just kidding. It's nice to meet you", she laughs as we shake hands.

"Oh, nice to meet you too", I say letting out a sigh of relief.

"Wait, you look familiar. Where do you work?", she asks.

"Well, I'm a small fashion designer. I don't exactly work in an office or anything; I work from home.", I answer modestly.

"I knew it! I think you helped design one of the outfits I wore to Paris Fashion Week last year. It was a sparkly black body suit but the inside was pink, and the legs flared out like bell bottoms", she said with a wide smile.

I giggled. "Yeah, that was definitely my design."

"Hi, Robyn", Paris greets.

"Hello. You look beautiful today, and I love your hair", I compliment.

"Thank you. Josie helped me with the braid", she smiles.

"Let's go talk on the back patio while the kids play", Michael suggests.

Josie and I nod. As we leave the room, I say a quick hello to the boys who were too involved with some card game to even look up.

We all take a seat and since no one speaks up, I decide to spark up the conversation.

"So, how did you two become friends?", I ask.

"I met Josie back in the late 90's before my History Tour. She was an extra in the promo video that we shot for the tour", he answers.

"Yeah, I was the only girl who had enough nerve to go up to he and Lisa during one of the breaks. All the other girls were either too starstruck or just plain terrified of Lisa", she says with a laugh.

"She came right up to Lisa and I, introduced herself and then all three of us began to talk. Surprisingly, Lisa actually liked her. I think she was very impressed by the sassy and fierce attitude. They're actually so much alike", he adds.

I smile. "So you two go way back. That's really cool. You look so young, Josie."

"Well, I'm only 29. When Michael and I met, I was only 18 so he was like a big brother and mentor for me. He's always been supportive of my modeling career. Way more supportive than my parents", she says now smiling at him, "But while we're asking questions, how did you and Michael meet?"

Michael and I both looked at each other. Neither one of us want to admit that we met through an app.

"We met when I accidentally ran into the back of his truck", I answer.

That's not a lie, technically. I mean, that is the first time we met in person.

"So, you guys met through a car accident?", she asks.

"Yes. Strange, right? As soon as I seen her, I knew she was the one. It was something about the way she carried herself", he responds with a smile.

I slightly blushed. "I felt the same way... after I recovered from my embarrassment, of course. Here I am, finally leaving my house for some fun and I run into this guy; a superstar."

"Wow. That's a very... interesting story", she says with a hint of sarcasm.

"So, I'm gonna go check on the kids and you two can get to know each other a little bit", he says.

As soon as he walks away, Josie's entire demeanor seemed to change.

"I notice you have an accent. Where are you from?", she asks.

"I'm from Barbados. I moved here to America when I was teen", I answer.

"Nice. Well, I'm just gonna let you in on a little info; I don't think that Michael is the loyal type. He's a very nice guy but with all the touring he does, of course he comes across beautiful women at every stop and not to mention, he has a lot of female friends. You know, that was part of he and Lisa's marital issues", she says.

"Well, luckily I'm not as insecure as Lisa. I understand that it is possible for a male and female to just be friends... I also know the risks of dating a celebrity and for Michael, I'm willing to take that risk", I respond.

"Actually, Lisa is not an insecure woman", she snaps, "She was and still is, very strong. That's what Michael loved about her. He doesn't like super submissive women; he likes a woman who takes charge once in awhile."

"If she's so strong , then why am I here and she's not? Hmm?", I ask with a smirk.

She scoffs. "Listen, I know that you think you know Michael, but you don't. I've known him for years. It'd be wise of you to listen to me; I'm trying to help you out."

"You don't sound like you're trying to help me. You sound like a jealous little girl who has a crush but that crush isn't being reciprocated, so now you're trying to run me away from him because if you can't have him, no one else can. But, guess what? It's not working, and whatever you had, or still might possibly have, with Michael... that's over now", I inform.

"No. It's done when I say that it's done. I have Michael wrapped around my finger and if I tell him I don't approve of you, you'll be gone so fast", she says.

I laugh. "Oh, please. Any tricks you can do, I can and will do better. Face it, Michael is mine now and mine only. If you even try to ruin what we have, I promise, I will make your life miserable. I have so many high up connections... honey, trust me, I'm not the one you wanna cross."

She rolls her eyes and scoffs. But before she could think of a comeback, Michael came walking in the room.

"I forgot to say it earlier, but I love your new hair Robyn. You look beautiful. So what are you two talking about?", he asks.

"Thanks, baby. I was just telling Josie about some of my connections. You know, between my dad being the former most trusted lawyer and my designing career, I've gotten to know a lot of higher up people; especially in the fashion industry. I don't usually put my "powers" to use, but for Josie I definitely could", I say with a smirk looking her way.

"Well, that's nice of you. You should let her help you Josie", he says.

"I might consider it, but then again, I can make certain things happen myself too. I'm not exactly an amateur", she says flashing me a fake smile.

"Well, ok. The choice is yours and I know you'll make the wise choice", I respond.

"I'm glad you two are getting along so well. My best friend and girlfriend... this is great", he says obliviously.

"Of course we're getting along, why wouldn't we? She's a cool girl and we both know where we stand with you. Right, Josie?", I say discreetly cutting my eyes at her.

"Mhm, definitely", she answers with a sly smile.

So, she's a tough one. Well, I've always loved a good challenge.

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