IMAGINE: Falling in love with Edward

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     "Hey, you said you wanted to see me?" You ask Edward, your best friend, as you walk into his garage.

      He looks up at you and stops organizing the box at his feet. "Yeah." He says, smiling a little nervously. He stands tall and you return his smile. You have a really big crush on Edward—you've had one ever since you first saw him at your high school.

     He stands in front of you, shifting on his feet. Your eyebrows furrow with concern. "Is everything all right?" You ask.

     "Um, I need to tell you something, Y/N." Edward says softly, his eyes downcast.

       Panic strikes your heart and you lightly touch his arm. "Edward, what's wrong?" You question worriedly.

     "Y-you know how I'm not really good with the whole 'open book' thing, right? He asks you.

     You nod. "Yeah, but you're working on that." You reply, smiling encouragingly. The look in his eyes sets your heart racing. You swallow.

     "Y/N, I haven't been completely honest with you." Edward states. He cups your face and stares at you, his face even more pale than normal.

     "I'm a vampire, Y/N." He says suddenly.

     You stare at him, your eyebrows lifted high upon your forehead. "A vampire?" You question. Edward nods seriously. You suddenly burst out laughing.

     "Y/N." He complains.

      "I-I'm sorry, Edward. But a vampire? Really?" You wheeze out.

      "I'm serious, Y/N. I'm a vampire. I have been for a hundred years. I've been this exact same age for one hundred years." He explains.

     When Edward doesn't crack a smile, your heart nearly stops. Your breathing quickens and you stare at him, your eyes wide.

     "You're not kidding, are you?" You whisper.

     He slowly shakes his head. "No, I'm not." He whispers. You take in a deep, shaky breath and blink repeatedly, looking away from him.

     "I'm not growing old, Y/N. I never will." Edward says softly.

     Tears burn in your eyes and you look up at him miserably. "S-so when I'm in my eighties, you'll-you'll still be..." You trail off and choke on a sob. Your hand covers your mouth as Edward pulls you tightly into his arms.

     "I'm so sorry, Y/N." He whispers. Your heart breaks as you realize you'll never be able to be with Edward. You cry against him.

     "Shh, shh, shh." He whispers, putting a hand over your head. He kisses your head.

     "Is there nothing you can do?" You ask hoarsely. When Edward doesn't answer, you look up at him, your eyebrows drawn.

     "Is there nothing you can do?" You repeat. He looks down and your breath catches in your throat.

     "There is something you can do." You state.

Edward drags his eyes up to yours and nods slowly. "I-I could turn you into a vampire." He replies.

     You sniff and take a deep breath. "Do it." You say firmly.

     "Y/N!" Edward exclaims in disbelief.

     You grab his shoulders and stare at him. "Please, Edward, do it. I beg of you." You plead desperately. "I can't live without you. I don't want to live without you."

     Edward searches your eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want to do?" He asks.

      You nod. "I've never been more sure of anything in my whole entire life." You respond bravely.

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