IMAGINE: Cedric rescuing you

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| IMAGINE for @innocentphangirl |

      Cedric swims through the waters of the Black Lake, moving on to the second task of the Twizard Tournament. The four champions of the tournament have one hour to recover something that has been stolen from them. Cedric has no idea what it can be. He's had nothing taken from him, at least not that he knows of.

     Cedric swims down to the merpeople's village, keeping his eyes peeled for anything and everything. As he swims to the village, he passes merpeople statues. He stops swimming as he spots something—more like someone—tied to the tail of a stone merperson. He squints his eyes and then lets out a cry.

     It's you!

     Cedric swims faster, his heart pounding at seeing you, his girlfriend, down here underwater. Your eyes are closed and your hair is splayed throughout the water, hovering above your head. He presses his fingers against your neck, searching for a pulse. He squeezes his eyes shut as an agonizing second goes by. Then your pulse beats against his fingers. He sighs with relief. He looks at your bonds and then swims down to the lake floor to find a sharp rock to cut them. He swims back up to you and cuts your bonds. He then creates a Bubble-Head Charm around your mouth so you can breathe. He grabs you around the waist and holds you tightly with his one arm. With his other arm, he swims upwards, his legs kicking wildly.

     After a couple of minutes, Cedric finally breaks the surface. The Bubble-Head Charms pop, allowing Cedric and you to breathe the free air. You gasp, flaying, your eyes opening wide. You hold onto Cedric, whose hair is dripping wet. He smiles at you.

     "Hey." He breathes.

     "Hey." You pant, blinking at him.

    "Sorry about that, Y/N. I didn't know they were kidnapping people for the second task."

     You shake your head. "It's fine." You whisper.

     He hugs you tightly. "Are you okay?" He asks.

     You nod and hug him back. "A little freaked out, but yeah, I'm fine." You answer.

      He kisses the side of your head. "Come on, let's dry off." He says, leading you to the shore.

     "That sounds amazing. I've had my fill of water for some time." You laugh softly. He smiles at you and helps you to shore.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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