IMAGINE: Going on a hunt with the Cullens

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     You stand around with your family, the Cullens. "Are you ready?" You ask Bella Cullen, your sister-in-law, who's just become a vampire. You're all going with her as she goes on her first hunt. She smiles excitedly at you and then wraps her arm around Edward's waist.

     "Yes. I'm so excited." She answers, nodding.

     "Renesmee is safe, so you don't need to worry about her. We're going to have fun tonight." Edward says to Bella. She smiles widely.

     Bella slides her feet out of her shoes and then takes off running into the forest. Alice and Jasper both chuckle. Rosalie shakes her head, grinning.

     Your eyebrows raise. "She's eager." You murmur, before running after her, the Cullens following you.


      Bella's first hunt goes splendidly. You all have so much fun, goofing off with each other and just letting Bella get used to her new way of life. "Everyone, thank you so much." Bella breathes, as you all run home.

     "Of course, Bella." Alice says.

     "I'm so proud of you." Edward says to Bella, smiling at her. Bella flashes him a smile.

     "You did good tonight, Bella. You did really good. A lot better than most 'newborns' when they change." You admit.

     "I'm not an ordinary newborn." Bella replies, grinning.

     Edward laughs. "No, you're not, my love. No, you're not." He tells her.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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