IMAGINE: Cedric helping you become confident

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| IMAGINE for @innocentphangirl |

     You stand in front of the large mirror that's in the hallway, staring at yourself. You're going to the Yule Ball with Cedric Diggory, your boyfriend. But first you wanted to take one last look at yourself.

     Tears burn in your eyes as you glare at yourself in the mirror. "I'm so ugly." You whisper to yourself. You're very self conscious about your body—in fact, you hate it. You can't look at a mirror without pointing out all your flaws. You turn to the side to examine your body and then shake your head in disgust.

      You hear a sharp intake of breath and turn. Cedric is walking towards you, smiling in wonder. "Wow, Y/N, you look...amazing." He breathes. He doesn't know about your insecurities. You don't say anything but just look in the mirror.

     "What's wrong?" Cedric asks, standing next to you. He stares at you through the mirror. You shake your head slightly. He slides his hand into yours. "Come on, Y/N, tell me. Tonight is supposed to be a happy one, and yet you look the opposite. You look...sad. What's happened?" He says softly. You suddenly let out a sob, everything crashing down around you. You turn into Cedric's chest and weep. "Y/N." Cedric laughs in surprise, hugging you tightly. He cradles the back of your head. "What is going on?" He questions gently.

     "I'm just-I'm just so ugly." You blurt out.

     Cedric pulls you back and looks at you, his eyebrows furrowed. "Y/N, what did you just say?" He asks gravelly.

     "I'm so ugly." You repeat, staring at him through tear filled eyes.

     Hurt fills Cedric's eyes. "Y/N, you are not ugly." He whispers, his voice cracking. He gathers you into his arms and you cling to him. "Oh, my darling, Y/N, you are so beautiful." He whispers into your hair. You sob against him. He kisses your head. "Why would you think you're ugly?" He asks after a long minute of silence.

     "I just am, Cedric. I hate the way I look. I hate...I hate myself." You admit. Cedric looks so sad it breaks your heart. "Please don't look at me like that." You plead.

     "It-it just makes me so sad to hear you say that, Y/N."

     "I'm sorry." You whisper.

     He cups your face. "I want to help you feel good about yourself, Y/N. I want to help you understand that you are so beautiful, inside and out. I want to help you realize that you're different and special and magnificent. No one—and I mean, no one—will ever be like you."

     "You'd do that?"

     "Of course I'd do that! Y/N, I love you. I'd do anything for you!" Cedric exclaims.

     You smile a little. "I love you too."

     He puts his hands on your shoulders. "Now, the first thing I want you to do is look into that mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful."

      Your eyes widen. "I can't." You gasp.

    "You can and you will." He insists, before turning you around to face the mirror. You stare at yourself, hard. "Smile, Y/N. And tell yourself you're beautiful." He commands.

      You take a deep breath and then smile. "Y/N, you're beautiful."

     Cedric smiles. "See? Was that so bad?" He asks. You shake your head. "Now every time you see yourself in a mirror, tell yourself you're beautiful."

     "Okay." You breathe.

     "Come on, we better get to the Yule Ball."

     "Cedric?" You ask, turning and looking at him.

     "Yes, Y/N?" He says, raising his eyebrows. You cup the back of his neck and kiss him deeply.

     "Thank you." You whisper. He smiles in surprise, looking slightly dazed.


     All throughout the Yule Ball, Cedric keeps reminding you to be positive about yourself. You try. As hard as you can. As soon as you start to think something negative about yourself, you stop that train of thought, no matter how tempting it is to entertain it.

     Cedric and you are dancing the last dance together. He smiles at you and you smile back. He spins you out and then turns you into him. "You're beautiful." He whispers in your ear. You close your eyes and smile widely. He kisses your cheek and then rests his forehead against yours. "I hope you know how special you are to me, Y/N." He whispers.

     You open your eyes and stare into his. "I do." You breathe.

    He half smiles. "I wish this night could last forever." He admits.

     "I think our feet would be tired." You grin. He chuckles and rolls his eyes.


     Cedric, true to his word, helps you overcome your insecurities. It's a work in progress, but you're getting there daily. Cedric reminds you every day that you're beautiful. It warms your heart and it's actually brought you both closer together. It's made your relationship stronger.

     You walk outside of Hogwarts one evening, enjoying some fresh air. "A rose for the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts." Cedric says from behind you, holding out a single white rose.

     You smile and blush, taking the flower. "You're going to make all the other girls at Hogwarts jealous." You giggle.

     Cedric wraps his arm around your waist. "Good, let them be." He smiles.

    You look up at Cedric. "Thank you for this." You say, nodding to the rose. "It's truly magnificent." You murmur. You lightly touch the feather soft petals. "Like me." You add with a smile.

      "Whoa, careful, Y/N, you're beginning to sound cocky." Cedric grins.

     "There's no winning with you, is there?" You laugh.

     "Not really." He replies. You shake your head. "But then again..." He trails off, cupping your cheek. "I believe I won with you." He whispers, before kissing you. You smile and kiss him back.
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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