Chapter 10

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Later that night at the party I never felt so alone in my life. I'm sitting around a small group of newly mated women chatting about how finding their mates changed their lives and how in love they are and how many kids they want and the colors for their weddings and it makes me feel so uneasy. What hurts even more is that none of them even try to engage in conversation with me.

I practically stick out like a sore thumb, everyone here is dressed so colorfully and happy and talking nonstop while I sit here in a long sleeve black shirt to cover my bandages and some jeans. I thought Crystal would be with me the whole night, but so far she's been attached to Mark's hip the whole night.

Jeremy has been watching me intently across the room while surrounded by a bunch of guys,every now and then he'll say something to them but then he'll always check on me.

We came in together and his mother thought it would be a good idea for me to sit with these girls but they're ignoring me and I can't do anything but force a smile when they all laugh.

This is pack life? Being ignored because I'm not one of them? If they don't accept me now how will they accept me as a wolf? Would I just be making a huge mistake?

"Daddy!" I hear a young girl call out and open her arms as she runs to a man smiling at her.

I watch her hold him tightly around his neck, she looks young. Maybe around the same age I was when I lost my parents.

"Aw is somebody baby crazy already?" One of the girls finally said to me and they all look at me.

I feel my face heat up and the girl giggles,"Don't be shy I saw how you were looking at them! You're not alone believe me" she says slightly pouting.

"You've got Jeremy of course I'm sure he'll put one in you real soon, me and Andrew mated the moment we met" another girl says and winks at me.

My face burns even more and I laugh nervously, "I'm really not looking forward to kids yet. I just want things to work for me here." I say and they look at me confused.

"You're human now but you'll learn and finally feel that mating bond as a wolf. It's nothing like you ever imagined believe me." another one says and I just nod my head and stay quiet so they can change the subject and talk amongst themselves.

I look back and see the father and daughter are gone and I feel slightly dissapointed. I barely remember any happy moments with my father, all that I remember of him is how he died and seeing him being dragged away in a wolf's mouth.

I excuse myself from the table and wander around to find Crystal but when I do I see her and Mark standing by a stairwell staring at each other deeply. I feel ashamed to be watching them but I can't look away. He has his arm wrapped around her waist while she mindlessly draws shapes into his chest, I've never seen two people look so happy with each other's presence.

They start going upstairs and I finally look away and scan the room to find Jeremy, he hasn't notice I left the table and laughs at something one of the men in his group says and I smile when I slightly hear his laugh. The sound makes my stomach flutter and I want to hear him laugh. But of course that's not who I am, I don't make people laugh, I've never been open or all that friendly. Which probably explains the reason I never had a lot of friends growing up, I'm not important anyways. It's better if I stay insignificant here. A wolf hunter amongst wolves is better left like that anyways.

I stare at Jeremy for a little bit admiring his charm before deciding I could use some air. I leave through the sliding glass doors in the back and notice a small bench on the porch. I sit there and slightly tear at the label on my bottle of water before I start feeling a little uneasy, almost like I'm being watched.


I gasp and look around me. "Hello??" I call out and stand up immediately.

"Little Becky...your wolf calls out to me"

I hear the same voice again and look all around me.

"Where are you?? Come out!" I yell clenching my fists.

"I'll come back for you. My becky. I'll never leave you again." The voice grows louder and I realize its coming from my head.

"What?" I gasp and place my hands over my ears and squeeze my eyes tight, there's no voice. It's just the meds.

"Hey!" I hear a deep voice call out and I hear the sliding door open and close.

I see an older gentleman who appears to be very tall with brown hair thats starting to gray, the longer the look at him, the more traits I see that are similar to Jeremy.

"Were you talking to me?" I ask. Maybe he was drunk and decided talking to me like that would be funny.

"I'm talking to you now." He says rudely and I don't respond.

"I'm Jonathan. You're mated to my son and you killed my other son." He says and I flinch at his words.

"I..." I open my mouth but can't find the words to respond to him.

"Nothing to say? Doesn't surprise me. I wanted to speak to you alone anyways." He says and his tone makes me nervous.

"I'm not going to hurt you. At least if you don't do as I say. You don't belong here. Obviously you knew that. I can arrange for some money to be given to you and someone will give you a ride tomorrow morning. If you don't, I can guarantee you won't make it here. I won't have you take away both my sons" he says and I start getting angry.

"You would have lost both your sons anyways if I didn't stop Trevor. As for Jeremy, I'm his mate and I will like to stay like that." I say feeling confident and he scoffs at me.

"If I were you I'd watch my mouth bitch." He snaps at me and both our heads turn to a growl echoing in the woods a couple feet away from us.

"Leave now." He says I do so eagerly and return to the party leaving him outside.

The moment I walk in panicked I collide with a hard surface,the hard surface being Jeremy's chest.

"Where have you been? Mark and Crystal just announced their engagement." He says and rubs my shoulders. I look behind me and see his father coming inside and looking at us both.

"What's wrong?" Jeremy places his hand under my chin and makes me look at him.

I force a smile and just shrug my shoulders,"Nothing. Let's go congratulate them and go home." I say and he hesitates for a moment before agreeing.

I shouldn't have lied. But what good would the truth do? Jeremy wouldn't believe me and might even be angry if I insulted his family. I need him. There is someone after me.

A/N:please dont forget to vote and comment!!!

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