Chapter 5

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Getting my mother to ask were the keys were wasn´t that hard, just:

´hey mum you know that old cabinet we have, it´s got some forks and stuff in it´

´Go away´ my mum said, her eyes were closed and she was stretched out on the sofa,

´i´ll carry you up stairs and tuck you in if you tell me were it is.´

´and will you stop talking´

´ow yes ofcourse! now where is it´

´Carry me first !´

Ugh so i picked up my ´mother´, gosh she was heavy man! Omg, she looked so fragile but wowie she had some fatties to protect her. I could not lift some one like this up 2 flights of stairs, i dropped her back on the sofa and shook it a bit for a minute.

´we are here! Now where are the keys´

´Under the cabinet, now leave me alone!´

´yep will do, thanks mom.´

i coudl barely hold my excitement. I was going to sell something illigally , yeeeey. I know the average kid would not think ´yeeeey´ when they were about to sell something that wasn´t theirs. An average kid wouldn´t even sell it .

For godsake a normal kid wouldn´t want to take revenge on their classmates.

But ow well, i wasn´t normal and i didn´t care.

I heard my dad snor, i had almost forgotten he existed in my little moment of glee. Ow what a wonderfull moment it had been.

I tip toed on and got to the little brown box that wold hold by key to revenge, at least the start of it.

I ducked and under a layer of dust i saw the key, it was antique like the cabinet.

I wonder how much i could sell the cabinet for.dont get carried away! i had to remind myself.

About 30 minutes later the bell rang.

Dont ring so loud! i thought to myself, what if my parents wake up!

In my mind i had been a lot calmer about this than i should have been, i had rehearsed the conversation in my mind like a thousand times, but now, the time was here, i was freaking out.



i ran to the door and tried not to make any sound, i opend the door, stepped outside and closed the door behind me.

´are you.. mrs ebayseller1234´ the man asked

He looked like the kind of guy that would have an affair on his wife, if he could even get a wife.

He looked like the guy that would buy something from a 15 year old without the parents approval. Atleast i hoped.

´eh yea thats me´

´You got the stuff´

it made me, giggle, how could i have known that he would make it sound like i was selling druggs

´yea... i got the stuff´

and there was a long akward silence, this was not what i had counted on.

A few guys, that lived a block away walked by, i knew they had seen me, they were probably thinking:

What is she doing with a guy that looks like he could be having an affair

Wait shit! i wanted to be incognito!

´I´ll be right back´

I unlocked the door and went inside, i kinda ran for the cutlary which i had left on the kitchen counter,

´hmm where are your parents´

Shit he had followed me inside

´there out, they had to go to a meeting, well you know, do stuff ´

Ofcourse thats when my dad decided to start snorring.

'hmm,. don´t look like it, what about we change the price ey, so no questions get asked.´


Gosh this was one of those moments that i wanted to be strong fast and awsome, i could beat his ass and get 600 insted of 500.

´I think 400 will sufice, unless you want to sell something else´

I gritted my teeth, stay calm , karma will get him, you need money just get the 400 and get him out of here.

´It´s fine´ I said as i really tried to keep my calm, i so wanted to hit him, omg just using a little girl like that.

´Well great doing business with ya! ´ He grabbed the cutlarry and left.

And that was my first sale.

I counted the money. Pfieuw, atleast he hadn´t skinned me of on that, i had money and now i could pay for selfdefence classes, i was going to be so badass.

Well turns out it wasnt going to be as easy as i thought.

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