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This is my first story and I am nervous as fuck. why did I make cashby? of course because they are my otp!! don't forget to leave comment and vote if you like it :) thank you


12 years ago, after Mr. Ashby and his lovely family went home from spending holiday in Denver, they rested a while in a railway station and decided to go home by train. The family which consisted of Mr. David Ashby, Mrs. Elena Ashby and their 5-year-old cute twins, Alan and Shayley Ashby was a really happy family.

Alan loved his old brother so much, so did Shayley. They were not identical twins, but same. Alan had his mother eyes and Shayley had his father's, the blue ocean ones. And also, Alan was so hyperactive, unlike Shayley who was more stolid and shy. Those made everyone didn't realize that they were twins.

"Alan, where are you going?" Shayley ran to follow his hyperactive brother who had been running around. They were about to run too far from their parents who were busy buying tickets.

"Shayley! Play with me!" Alan shouted then he entered the train which was about to depart. No one noticed those little children which entered the train.

"Alan! Come back! Mom would be mad!" Shayley followed his brother entering the train.

In the train, Alan was still running around, making Shayley in trouble to get him. When the train was already moving, Shayley didn't realize that Alan was already outside. Someone got him and took him away from the train.

When Alan was running to his parents who were really panic to find him out, Shayley was trying to go out from the train. He didn't know what he should do.

"Where is Shayley, Alan?" Mr. Ashby asked his child worriedly.

"There dad!" Alan pointed the train which was already leaving the station.

Mrs. Ashby fell to her knees when seeing it. Tears were falling down from her eyes. She whispered Shayley name many times, hoping the child was here by her side.

"Damnit," Mr. Ashby swore, watching the train got away.

Alan looked at his mother's face, trying to understand why she was crying. "Mommy?" the little Alan asked.

Mrs. Ashby didn't say anything. She hugged Alan really tight, crying on his shoulder before Mr. Ashby joined hugging his family.

Shayley would never be back.


Shayley cried in the train, watching the crowd talking to each other. No one he knew there. The only one he could do was crying and crying. Hoping someone got him and took him home.

"Hey, why are you crying?" a black haired boy who was about 4 asked him.

"I--I am lost," cried little Shayley.

"Daddy! This boy is lost! We have to find his family!" the boy shouted calling his dad who was walking to get him.

"Hey, where is your parents kid?" the strange boy's dad asked Shayley while tried to calm him.

"I do--n't I don't --know," he sobbed trying to calm his cried.

"You can leave with us, don't cry," the strange boy smiled to him.

"Re--really?" Shayley finally looked up his beautiful face.

"Yes, hey your eyes are beautiful! I like them! Mine were not as blue as yours!" the younger boy claimed.


"What's your name by the way?" asked the pretty boy.

"Sha--Shayley Ashby."

"What a beautiful name! I am Kellin Quinn."


the firs chapter! oops I mean, the blurb, now you guys know the beginning why Shayley and Alan are separated. hope you enjoy xx

-harley quinn's daughter-



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