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Hey, it's me. Sorry this chapter took a while. Had to do a lot of editing and revising. Make sure to vote and/or leave a comment!        -Waffles

  Screams. Crying. Blurry vision.
It all happened so quickly. James heard the high pitched noises and fell to his knees in the parking lot.
Glass flung into the air. James heard gunshots and loud sirens. James tried tilting his head up, but the sky was bright and nearly blinded him.
He made cups with his hands and placed them over his eyes and turned around.
What he saw next was what he thought would be the last thing he saw. In the sun's shining glory, a beautiful image shone.
The girl he'd met inside, Pim, floated in the air, but now a ghostly figure. Beside her, stallions of mist rode on the air and neighed.
Pim let out a terrifying scream and more figures of mist appeared from behind her.
All around cars and buildings collapsed inwards and collided with loud crashes.
  Red blasts of electricity shot out into the sky behind her.
  James could only feel to things as he sat in shock. That feeling in his heart, and the feeling of death.
  He didn't understand anything that was going on. He couldn't comprehend. Therefore, he didn't move a single muscle. James just sat there, staring into the beautiful chaos.
Whatever was happening was not comprehendable to James. James snapped back into reality. He started walking towards her, using all of his force to push through her powerful embrace. James got close enough to touch her, and he put his finger on her chest.
James immediately flew backwards, hitting head first on the pavement. James looked up in a blurry haze of helicopters and police sirens. Strings shot up from the cars and latched on to Pim, pulling her down.
Then James vision went black.
James awoke in his bed at home. He looked up and around, confused. Was it a dream? Was it all fake? Am I at home, ready to go to the school that I never got expelled from? James began to feel queasy and threw up in the trash can.
He walked outside. Skid marks... the same ones from the fire ambulance. So that's not fake. James thought. He unchained his bike and rode to the police station.
Nothing. Nothing there. James backed away, staring at the ground. Nothing. Doesn't make sense. "DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!" James yelled. His eyes raged in flames.
"Kid, are you okay?" An old man from across the street said. James swiveled his head towards him, and the man saw his burning eyes. "Oh my-" the old man bolted away, grabbing his phone out of his pocket at the same time, dialing and holding it up to his ear.
James chuckled, then realized he was busy being mad. All of a sudden, he heard helicopters, again. James looked across the street at the old man, who had returned to his position and was now mouthing "sorry" to him. James widened his eyes as he heard the same sirens from his "dream."
He turned around, just to be confronted by a man and the hilt of his gun.
James awoke in a dark room. There was nothing in there, and he only saw a small window in the door. James ran at the door and tried busting it open, but it wouldn't budge. He lit his hands with flames and placed them over the metal door. Nothing happened.
James looked out the window and saw a sign up on an arc across a dark hallway. The sign read "Australian Supernatural Radiation Confinement" and underneath it said "ASRC" for short.
James looked across his room. Another person, with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes stared at him, looking hopeful and scared. Pim! James thought It wasn't a dream! . His eyes drifted across the other rooms, filled with other boys and girls. "JAMES?!" Pim yelled. "JAMES GET US OUT OF HERE!"
James looked back at Pim. "What is this place?" He said.
"It's hell."
"So I've died?"
"Might as well have."
"Please just tell me what is going on."
"There is a large amount of radiation in Junkertown, and whenever it affects someone in a dangerous way, they have to be locked away for city safety."
James looked down at his hands, which were burning. Am I a monster? Is that what I am? Is that why I can do what I do? Is that why I was expelled? Is that why my parents left me?! James held his hands up and through his hair. He slouched down into the corner and closed his eyes. "JAMES! Please get me OUT OF HERE!" Pim yelled loudly from across the hallway, but it was faint to James. "I'm not crazy. I'm not a monster. I'm not crazy. This is all a dream. I'm not crazy. I'm not a monster." James told himself.

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