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(Lyrics in last one were "I have these thoughts so often I ought" and "There's no hiding for me" from Car Radio. This time it's an MCR lyric.)

Jack's POV.
"The end of lunch came faster than I wanted it to. I was reviewing for Law and eating some salad by the stairwell. I'm surprised Mark didn't come to get me, he was probably scheming something out to come see me at my competition. I went to my locker to grab my swim gear, throwing my lunch in there, and changed in the washroom before the bell. I wore my swim shorts under my jeans, and threw my boxers in a side pocket on my swim bag. My shirt went back on and I tucked part of it into my jeans. As I walked out, the warning bell for fourth period rang. I adjusted my swim bag against my normal backpack as an announcement rang out.

"Mr. Fischbach, please report to the main office. Thank you."

Wow, maybe he really did think something up. I wouldn't be surprised.

I went up to the main floor for my English class. The one class I never failed to impress. Poetry, Shakespeare, essays, I understood and perfected it all. As I entered the class, I saw Mr. Fischbach walking next to Mrs. Reader, the principal. He was hacking up a storm, sniffing and all. His face looked red and he sounded tired as he spoke faintly;

"Mrs. Reader, I'm so sorry, I'll stay, please, it's just, ughhhh, just a cold."

"No, Mr. Fischbach, go home and get better, perhaps tomorrow you'll be better. I know colds like this tend to last a day or two."

"Thank you so much, I, *cough* appreciate it. I'll be in as soon as the bell goes tomorrow, ready to teach."

"Just get better, we have a teacher off duty to take over." She reassured him.

He glanced at me in the hall, his red ends falling over his glasses. He winked at me and went back to fake coughing.

That bastard.

The English room offered a view of the parking lot, and I sat by the window in most classes. So I was able to watch Mark get in the car and pull his phone out.

Guess what I did

I pulled my phone out and hid it in my desk.

I can see you through the window, you know.

Then watch this.

I glanced at him as he blew a kiss in my direction. He must've seen me. I giggled.

I'll see you there;) he said.

You'll see most of me there

Even better;)

I laughed and paid attention to Mrs. Flint, who was lecturing us on the proper form for letters. This was easy stuff. I watched the clock anxiously, waiting for 1:15 to come around, when I had to leave for the competition.

We took a few notes on standard, formal and freestyle letters, and wrote a few examples. Pretty simple.

All members of the swim team please report to the front lobby. The intercom rumbled.

Shit! I didn't get my stuff together! I hastily threw my notes in my binder and set and my binder in my bag, shoving my pen in there somewhere too. I dashed out, saying goodbye to a few friends.

The team was waiting outside the entrance, for the bus to get us and drive us to John Young. I plugged in my music out of habit, and Immortals by Fall Out Boy started playing. Good song. The bus rolled up and we all filed in, Mark Nichols rushing in at the last second as per usual. He sat next to me, his bag clunking down on the floor. I smiled at him.

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