thirty one.

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The sounds of some romantic comedy movie was all that could be heard throughout the living room Jungkook was in. Kaesi and Hoseok had fallen asleep a few hours due to the movie being too "romantic and disgusting" to the two. The only one awake was Jungkook, whom was patiently waiting for his boyfriend to return from work so they could cuddle. After all, they made a promise there would be cuddling as soon as the older was off of his shift.

"Where is he?" The brunette mumbled to himself as he glanced over at the digital clock. In illuminated red lettering read the time 9:37. The older's shift was only until 9 that night so he was worried when he didn't show up yet and it was already half an hour past the time his shift ended.

Jungkook wouldn't have been as worried if the place Taehyung worked at was far away, but it wasn't. He worked at the local humane society that was maybe a block or two away from the brunette's shared apartment with Jimin. There was no way it would take him thirty minutes to get his apartment, especially since it only took about ten to fifteen minutes to arrive at his work from the younger's apartment.

He sighed - quite loudly - and turned his attention away from the digital clock. It was getting late, the once pale blue sky turning into a dark navy-black color with little illuminated dots scattered across it. He stood up from his position on the couch and gave Hoseok a slightly rough shake to wake him up.

"Hoseok, it's getting late. You and Kaesi should head home before it gets too dark out," the brunette told the ravenette whom just awoke from his slumber. Hoseok slowly nodded and proceeded to wake up the redhead laying next to him.

After the two were awake - partially - they said their goodbyes to the brunette before exiting the apartment and heading home. Jungkook closed the door behind him and slouched back down onto the black couch. His head laid back against the soft material as his eyes closed momentarily. He figured the older must've just forgot about the whole cuddling date they planned and was on his way heading back to his apartment.

The brunette patiently waited for a sign of the pinkette's return, he held his phone tightly in his hand and sat in complete silence - he turned off the television after he woke up Hoseok. It seemed like hours had passed and Jungkook still had no text, no nothing that Taehyung made his way home safely and it was starting to worry the younger.

He was never one to think poorly of a situation, in fact he was usually a positive person but when exactly an hour passed and he still hadn't heard anything from his boyfriend, he started to get uneasy. Did he lose his way? Did his phone die? Was he kidnapped? Questions upon questions were flooding through the younger's mind and every time a new one popped up, the more worrisome he grew.

Suddenly, a loud knock at the door took the younger out of his thoughts and he rushed to the door and opened it. He frowned once the door was opened, realizing it was just Jimin returning from Yoongi's. The black-haired boy rose an eyebrow at his younger friend but shrugged it off and headed towards his room to get some sleep.

Jungkook started closing the door behind him when a hand reached out and grabbed the side of it, stopping it from moving any further. The younger let out a small squeak before turning around and looking at the person who had stopped the door from closing. His frown quickly turned into a grin and he immediately found himself jumping onto the older and clinging tightly onto him. He has his legs wrapped around the older's waist as his face was nuzzled into the crook of his neck, littering kisses to the older's skin. His arms were wrapped around the pinkette's torso to keep himself from falling to the ground.

"Woah Jungkookie, what's this all of sudden?"

Taehyung walked into the apartment, closing and locking the door behind him. He carried the younger throughout the apartment and directly into the younger's room. He carefully placed the brunette onto his bed before trying to untangle the younger from him, only to have Jungkook pull him down onto the bed with him.

The pinkette was now laying sideways on the bed with the brunette, their bodies pressed up against one another's while Jungkook continue to pepper kisses on Taehyung's jaw and neck. He was confused with all of the affection he was receiving from the younger, he never had been this affectionate towards him and it was slightly unnerving yet felt so calming.

"Jungkookie, what's wrong? You've never acted like this before," Taehyung spoke quietly as he adjusted himself on the bed, making it so the younger wasn't laying on his already-becoming-numb arm. Jungkook pulled away from the crook of the older's neck to look him directly into his eyes. The older had never seen such worry and concern in the younger's eyes and it was slightly alarming to him.

"You didn't come back from work on time. I thought something bad happened to you, I-I was worried sick," the younger looked down as he spoke, no longer wanting to look in the beautiful eyes of his boyfriend. He didn't want to come off as clingy to the older but he wanted to tell him exactly what was bothering him. Lying was never an option, especially when it came to someone he deeply cared for.

Taehyung sighed softly before his lips twitched upwards in a wide grin. He wrapped his arms around the younger's waist and held him tightly to his chest. Jungkook squeaked at the sudden action but fell into the embrace, burying his face back into the elder's neck and leaving a feathery kiss to his skin. He was worried about the older not saying anything but all he needed was the closeness to his boyfriend and he was fine. He was safe in his arms, he was alright as long as he was being held by the boy whom meant a lot to him.

"I'm sorry I worried you, Jungkookie," Taehyung whispered before placing a kiss to the younger's head. "I just got caught up in something important, I didn't mean to worry you."

The younger nuzzled his head deeper into the older's neck as a sign of him understanding. He didn't know the right words to say and he was far too comfortable with their position to move and look the older in the eyes - something he would do to see if he was lying. Not that the younger believed Taehyung would lie to him because he trusted him, but he wanted to be sure what he said was the truth.

"Jungkookie, you can't fall asleep like this, you'll wake up with a numb leg."

Jungkook sighed against Taehyung's neck before removing his legs from the older's waist and entangling them with his legs instead. Taehyung chuckled softly before tightening his grip on the brunette's waist and cuddling closer to his body. They were laying together in complete silence, the only sound being their breathing and loud heartbeats.

"Hey Jungkookie?" Taehyung asked, looking down at the boy cuddled close to his body. His chest was rising and falling at a steady pace, which meant the younger had already fallen asleep. He smiled down at the sight before placing another kiss to the younger's head and tightening his grip on the boy's waist.

Taehyung let his eyes flutter close as his drowsiness began taking over. Before he had completely fallen asleep, all he could hear was the younger whisper something to him - something he didn't quite catch. Then he fell into a deep sleep, wondering what the younger just told him.

+ note ; i really can't write fluff for shit bc im not good with relationships but i tried.

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