Blinded (boyxboy)

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A/N: Hi sexuals!!!! This is a new story, which might I add, has taken two god damn long to write!!!!! >:( HOWEVER, it's all good!!!!!! enjoy!

WARNING: If you couldn't read the title..... you're a moron...... and this story is boyxboy! That means, there will be tip-to-tip action. This story is not for innocent eyes... dispite most of you have lost you're innocence LONG ago. This story also contains depressing shit! However, lucky for you, this chapter does not contain any of that. So continue if you dare, your in for a ...... um........ boner?


Alex pov.


How should I begin.... Well my name is Alex Evan, I have bright blue eyes and straight blach hair that only allows you to see half of my left eye. I wear a jacket all the time to cover my scars and bruises, I also use it so no one can see how fat I am. I'm only a freshman, and I go to the school known as Wilson Back high. With every school comes a new crush. Mine happens to be a sophmore, an upper classman, he also happens to be the most fucking popular guy in the school.... clichè right? He also is my person who has to help me whenever I need it since I'm a freshman. The person I love is also a concieted dick face who is blinded by his pride.... his name..... Carson Jones. Sandy blonde hair and green eyes, he is fucking SEXY! If you haven't figured it out by now.... I'm gay! Typical story..... I know, but there has to be something......more. Well I think..... an-

        " ALEX EVANS! Will you stop day dreaming and listen to my lesson?" The teacher, Mrs. Weverte yelled. I hide my small blush with my jacket sleeve. I quietly respinded with a 'yes.' She sighed and contined with her lesson. Dammit.... this is the sixth time today I've gotton yelled at for thinking of you-know-who. No, not voldemort. I glance over to the clock, 15 seconds till the end. Than Carson would come and take me too...... p.e. Unfortunantly.... we had that period together. Yes his body is lickable, no I can't exactly help myself from rising up.... if you know what I mean.


      FINNALLY! I quickly grab my stuff and sprint out the door.

      " Carson wow last night was so good! Can we do it again sometime?" I herd a random whore yell.... a girl had herslef attached to Carson's arm.

       " Sorry slut, only a one night stand." He answered. My name is is Alex Evans, and my life sucks.

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