hit the ground

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..... do I even have to talk for something me be wrong with me.

Everything I say just gets me more introuble, and eveything I do is wrong.

I'm just a person, okay you can only push me so far, I can't do everything you expect me to.

I've played volleyball since I was in 3rd grade, well now I can't play anymore. And my sister is rubbing it in my face that she can, forcing me to play with her. Why should I play? To make yourself feel lik your hurting me.

I won't give you the satisfaction of see in me cry. I'll look away, I always have, I'll turn the other cheek and walk away because she's my sister, I love her so much buy I'm starting to think she doesn't care. I would give up everything for her but she would do the same.

I stay away from them, my dad says he was the 'black sheep' of his family, well I guess I final found my place.

I love my dad and my sister more that words could say and I know that love me back.

A little word of advice, your family there the only people who love you truly, weather you are adopted, for born with your family they love you, never let go of them because they will be there your whole life watching your back. You may not realize it but they are, in sme weried way they are.

Mine has just got a little off track, we'll all be okay, maby not today or tomorrow but someday we will, that's one promis I will make to you, one day you will find your place in this world untill then, just be you, you don't need to be something where you pretend everyday. It's not worth it.

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