all days like this

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Today was a really good day. I hung out with tabitha and austin. Everyone kept saying that he was flirting with me, but he wasn't.

First we had to do your morning work and we kept making jokes about one of the proublems. It had a word and it was sick and then it gave definitions and we kept making dirty jokes about them. Then we went to gym and me, Tabitha, Matthew, and Austin where partners and we where going long jump ropes and he kept making jokes with me. All of my friends have a weried friendship. We are all really mean to eachother. So he kept hitting me with the jump rope.

After that was just normal and then at lunch he didn't really talk to me. Then during the movie I say next to kaycee and austin sat in between tabitha and kaycee. I put my amrs on the desk so I could rest my head in hands. And he kept moving his arm to touch mine.

Then twords the end of the movie Matthew started to call Austin out and said that he was flirting with me. I tryed my best to stay out of it. Austin got mad at everyone just turned away from eachother.

So my day was good. I hope the rest of the days will be like this. But I know they won't.

Oh and I got zapped and I had to ask matthew out. He said maby and I was like no. And he said no cuz of he said yes that I would just tell tabitha not to talk to him to.

So I bit my lip, trying not to snap at him. All I said was fuck you and turned around to watch the movie.

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