Chapter 1- Jackie Chan and Glowing Knives

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7 years later…

“Damn it,”

        “Luca!” I exclaimed as I hear the words come out of my son’s mouth.

        “Sorry mom,” Luca says, “I just didn’t realize what time it was and I can’t find my math book!”

        I watch my son run around for a little bit before I finally take pity on him, “Luca,” I yell to him, “your math book is on the couch where you left it last night.” I then watch as his silver head disappears into the next room, and then hear “Thanks mom, you’re a genius,” as he runs out the door. Psshh, like I need to be told that.


        As I run out the door I suddenly feel a chill run up my spine. I turn in a complete 360, but upon seeing nothing I decide it must just be my imagination so I begin to walk again. I manage to take a couple steps before someone’s hand grabs me, and pulls me into an alley, “What the…” I manage to say before I am shoved against the brick wall hard with a knife against my throat.

        “Where is he?” The person screams in my face.

        “Where is who?”

        “You know exactly who. We know you are hiding him!”

        This goes back and forth before I finally get the brilliant idea that I should kick this person in the shins and try to make a run for it, but sadly this only ends with the person on top of me and even more angry. Who in the hell is this guy? I mean he is dressed up like ninja from some crappy Jackie Chan movie.

        “Fine! You don’t wanna talk? Then I’ll just have to take you to Apollo.” The mysterious ninja women said raising her knives that had began to glow as if on fire. She swung them in an arc towards my head.

        “Wait don’t!” I screamed before everything went black.


       I look down at the silver haired teen I had just knocked out. At first when I had felt his energy I had thought that there was a young major god near me but then I saw him walk out near the alley, and realized that he was the kid we were looking for. He had to be, he looked like a regular human, but from the power emanating off of him he had to be the monster that had taken my little half brother. I got the same feeling from him as I did the night Bailey was taken. Just to make sure that my suspicions were correct I had to take him to Apollo to conform my theory, and then I would exterminate this monster.

I picked up the teen and went over to the brick wall writing the Greek word portal on the wall before stepping through the wall and into what had been my home for the past 12 years. It wasn’t much basically it looked like a rundown warehouse on the outside, but on the inside it looked like a college campus. There were huge buildings with Greek symbols of each god and goddess that was known to have children. I was not going to any of these dorms though I had one destination in mind, and that was the main building

       “Nope Apollo,” said to me, “that is defiantly not him.” He then began to walk away from me and the teen I supported over my shoulder.

       “What do you mean it’s not him?” I screamed at the man walking away from me. It got his attention and he turned and looked at me quizzically.

       “I mean what I said Breanne. That is not him. What you have there is a demigod that probably has no idea what he is, or anything about Greek Mythology. Since you brought him in he is now your responsibility. So lucky you, you get to tell him all about us.” Apollo clapped, and laughed while once again turning his back and walking away from me.

       Once I realized that Apollo was not coming back I took the boy and dragged him back to my cabin. While I was waiting for him to wake up I decided to put on a pot of tea and watch the news, about half way through the news I heard a grown to my right. The boy was slowly becoming conscience, and now I would have to tell him all about us. Well SHIT!”

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