Chapter 5-We are off to see the witch...well close enough

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       We were on our way to ask Lexus if she would be able to accompany us on our mission. I don’t even know what the mission is, but Breanne told me she would tell all of us once we were all together. Finally, we stopped outside of one of the dorms and Breanne knocked.

       While we waited for someone to answer the door, I studied Breanne. God she was beautiful, no, she was absolutely gorgeous. How could a girl look that good even though I’m almost positive she stayed at the hospital by my side all night. Her hair had it’s slight wave and now that I had a closer look I realized that her hair was not just a solid brown like I had originally thought, but it actually had light blonde highlights that were so blonde they seemed to be gold with red slightly fading into the brown. It looked almost fiery. I think the first thing you notice about her though is her eyes. They are a brilliant blue green with a golden ring around the pupil. Jeeze, what am I doing? I sound like an annoying fan girl thinking about her hair and eyes. I’m a guy! I should be looking at her knock out curves, and not noticing that she has the most amazing lips ever.

I was drawn out of my daze when i heard the door open and saw another girl around my age step out. Okay do gods not have ugly children!? Holy shit this girl is one that when she walked into a room you fucking looked! Brown hair that fell into rivulets down past her shoulder, and eyes that looked like the most expensive melted chocolate. Her face was that of a high class debutant with sculpted cheekbones and the perfect little nose. Also i had yet to see a flat chested demigod, and Lexus was no exception.

Lexxe then pulled out what looked like kitchen knives, then looked at me and back at Breanne before narrowing her eyes and saying, “Bre I told you not to bring children of Aphrodite around me. You know i think they are stuck up prissy bitches, even the little Aphrodite boys. I’ll cut you, and then we’ll see how pretty your little face is.” she said glaring at me and leveling her cooking utensil of death at me.

I looked straight back at her which only seems to piss her off more as she lunges at me with the knives, but luckily Breanne steps in between pulling out a knife of her own out of thin air and deflecting Lexus’ knife said, “chill it hot head...he’s not a child of Aphrodite.”

She looked at me with a yeah right expression to tell me exactly what she thought of Breanne’s statement. “Well he is either a child of Aphrodite or gay. No boy can look that perfect or have that color of hair and eyes unless they are a child of that bitch, or you know gay, take your choice.” This last part was said with a smirk as if daring me to disagree with her.  

“For your information I’m a child of Selena not Afro-dike-e or whatever her/his name is.” I say smirking right back at her.

She suddenly broke into a grin and exclaimed, “I actually kind of like him, he insulted the bitch! Be careful though, she might make your hair fall out or ya know good ol’ genital warts…” She trailed off. “That actually happened to someone I knew.” Something about the gleam in her eye, or possibly the cheerful way she said it, I decided not to ask about how she said knew, not knows. “But I don’t trust him, Selena is the goddess of the moon, so deception, and he is basically our kryptonite. Wait! I never said that… You heard nothing.” She panically exclaims.

I was starting to get the feeling that she was bipolar, one second happy, the next she could be crying! It was very unnerving. “Can we come inside?” I hesitantly ask.

“Yes, yes you can. Please enter my humble abode. I’d be glad to have you cum inside of me, if you know what I mean.” She winks and turns around leaving me reeling.

P.O.V- Lexus

I was slightly unnerved seeing as I just invited a son of Selena into my house. My dad really hated her. It was never a problem seeing as she didn’t have many children, well any actually. This guy is probably the exact opposite of me, which is kind of scary. Though I would die before I told anyone that! I left them standing at my door so I could have a few seconds to calm myself. I wasn’t used to being nervous about anything.

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