Chapter 10

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Luca’s P.O.V.

Right now Lexxe throwing a fit is a pain in the ass. I have been trudging through thorns and bushes for that past half hour, and I haven’t found the slightest clue to where she is. As I run into the 50th briar patch, I see lights ahead. Right as I see the lights, I hear the music. Loud rock music. I instantly know this is where she went. I make my way closer and now notice it is a huge outdoor party. Lots of booze and annoying college students.

It really wasn’t all that hard to spot Lexxe. She some how seems to be completely oblivious to all of the attention she has attracted, just like Breanne. She never notices when people are looking at her. Wait Luca, you are here for Lexxe, stop thinking of Breanne. Wearing tight skinny jeans that fit like a second skin and a belly shirt, Lexxe was looking pretty amazing. She must have used the knife she hides in her boots to make her shirt a belly shirt. Also that fact that she was table dancing seemed to make people look. It didn’t take long to notice that she was completely wasted.

Fighting my way through the crowd was no fun. A couple girls (and one guy) pinched my ass. Finally I made it to the table.

“Lexxe, get down, we need to leave.” I yell, or try to yell, over the music. Her dazed eyes find mine and she immediately breaks into a huge grin.

“Luca! Get your ass up here and dance with me!” She screams. Before I know it, she drags me up to the table and starts grinding on me. As soon as I’m up there, the song ‘Porn Star Dancing’ starts to play. Great.

“Lexxe, we need to go, it’s late.” I try telling her, but she seems to not be listening. It’s getting harder by the second to ignore the fact I have a hot girl grinding all over me. “I will carry you out of here if you don’t leave now!”

“Oooohhhh! I like it rough!” She says with a huge smirk and a wink. Now it is impossible to ignore her grinding, and I hate to admit the fact I was starting to get hard. She must have noticed too, because she added an extra little push against me.

“That’s it!” I yell as I jump from the table. I throw her over my shoulder before she can protest. “We are leaving now.”

“Awwww, you party pooper! I was having so much fun. Put me down!” Lexxe whines. “Please?”

“No. I told you it was time to go and you wouldn’t listen. So now we are leaving.” I reply, trying to sound firm and not shaky.

“Fine.” Lexxe pouts. Just then I feel her hands start to slide down my chest. “Are you sure you are ready to go back?” She questions in a seductive voice. “We could stay here for a little while if you know what I mean.”

As hard for it is for me to say no, I mean I’m a guy and she is practically begging me for sex, I have to. I really like Breanne and tomorrow I know Lexxe will regret all of this. Anyway, she would probably be imagining I was Damon, so why bother? “No Lexxe. You know you want Damon. Why don’t we get back so you can try to fuck him instead?”

“You’re not very nice. I could just go back to that party where I have a line of guys waiting to sleep with me.” She says in a childish way. “Put me down!” Lexxe starts to squirm and try to get away.

“Calm down, we are almost back!.” I say in an exhausted tone, I can’t wait to go to sleep!

Finally I am just reaching our campsite, Lexxe still trying to escape me. Right once we get to the middle I drop her. She lands gracefully and proceeds to stagger towards her sleeping bag. Once there she ignores me and pouts like a little girl. I turn and find Bre asleep like I told her to be. Checking my phone I realize it’s about 4 am. I need to sleep before I have to get up again. I lay down and look at the moon. I almost feel like I’m being watched from above…


Damon’s P.O.V.

I glance over at the clock. Shit 5:23 am, god I’m still working on this stupid prophecy. What does it mean?

“Four will leave heading for the land forsaken by the Gods to reclaim a lost one.” Okay so the four morons going to the forsaken land are obviously Lexxe, me, Breanne, and Luca..hmmm guess we ditch Acheron along the way, yes! Past that i’m not really sure what it is saying besides the fact that we are all just pawns to be used, and I really would rather not think about that. “uuuuggg” I groan rubbing my forehead. Oh well no use thinking over it anymore tonight, maybe a good night, weeelll mid-morning sleep will help.


Lexxe’s P.O.V.

'Gods, I knew I was going to wake up with a mother of a headache, but it was totally worth it', I think as an image of me and Luca grinding came into my head and my cheeks turned a bright red…'Wait, wait, no!' I swatted at the air as if that could stop the images. 'I like Damon, don’t I?' I mean ya Luca is sexy as hell with his silver hair and purple eyes. I mean seriously purple! 'No! No stop.' I argue with the mini-me in my head that apparently wants to make an enemy out of one of the only girl friends that I have. I mean I definitely like Breanne a lot better as a friend than I would as an enemy. Plus, I like Damon. Ahh Damon with his bright green eyes that sometimes seem brown in some lighting, and dark hair and his smile and and...Oh my god I’m in love with Damon! Or am I in love with Luca? Damn it...I need to go hit something.

I picked up my trusty battle knives and strapped them to my thigh when I heard someone walking up behind me. I placed my hand at my thigh and slowly turned to face the person. Luca! Jeeze, just who I did not want to see right now.

Luca stared at me for what seemed like forever before finally asking, “Where in the hell do you think you are going?”

I glared daggers at him and considered knocking him out just so I didn’t have to explain myself to him. Gods who did he think he was? My mother? “Not that I have to explain to you, but I’m going to go train. Some of us actually would like to not get our asses handed to us in a fight.”


So, miss Lexxe is a bit grouchy!!! What is going on here.... Does she like Damon? Or does she like Luca? Let us just think about the horrific things Breanne would do if Luca and Lexxe got together. Awww, their names even start with the same letters!!! Well I guess you will find out, and it might be a little while before I update, I get a bit lazy sometimes. Well occasionally for months at a time, but thats beside the point. Comment, or die!!!! Well not literally, I need all the fans I can get!!! so comment or i will be unhappy with you!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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