Chapter 1 (Unedited)

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Chapter 1

The Final War started about a hundred and fifty years ago and hasn't stopped. I was born November fifth, in the year four thousand. I never knew my father. I only have pictures. He was a handsome man always smiling mother says. Mother always says. You see my mother isn't all there if you know what I mean. She was never really all there as long as I can remember, and as long as I have lived I have only ever been above ground twice, but I have never seen the sun. Not many people can say that they have. The sun is masked behind a thick dark layer of smog. Above ground there is fighting, and chaos. Nephlim, vampires, werewolfs, and all sorts of creatures. No one knows exactly how the war started, and no one knows when it will end.

I live in an underground "bomb- shelter" if you can really call it that. I live here with my mother, Yordann, and Daem. Yordann and Daem are twin brothers I saved a few days ago.

It was my second time above ground looking for supplies. I was hiding in an old destroyed building when I heard two little cries. "Please, help." I went to walk away when it cam again. "Please, heeelp." It pulled at me heart strings and I went to look for the source of the noise At the other end of the building was a crater from something. Probably one of the Nephlim. I saw two small boys no older than three curled together watching me.

I stretched out my hand to help them. They looked at it like they'd never seen one before. I smiled and said "It's alright. I'm a friend. My name is Lyci. What's yours?"  Yordann (I now know) grabbed my hand and tugged Daem along with him. I picked them up and started back to the shelter door. I was about half-way there when I heard a rustling of wings. I stopped and hid. Holding the boys close.

"Where are they Neavine?" a low male voice said angerily. "They were right here. I swear they were." A young frightened girl whimpered. I looked at both the boys and squeazed them tighter. I slowly made my way away from the two people, and whatever they might be. I slipped into the shelter and stared at the boys. They were filthy. Just as I was about to say something I heard my mother scream. "You brought people here!! You'll get us killed!! You've ruined everything!!" I looked at my mother in shock. "NO, mother I saved these boys from a worse fate. Now i'm going to get a bath ready for them." About twenty minutes later I had the hot bath ready from them. I grabbed their hands and brought them to the bath. They looked at the water as if surprised to see that it was clear. "Ok, now lets get you outta these gross clothes and into the nice warm water. Get you boys all cleaned up and into something clean." I helped unbutton their shirts and let them do the rest. I started to realise what they were after that. The one took his shirt off first and I noticed the slits in his back, than again in his brother's. I had unknowingly adopted two little Nephlim boys. I didn't freak out. I just calmly got them into the wash and helped scrub them clean. My mother brought some clean towels and clothes. I had them turn around so she couldn't see the marks.  I don't need her to freak out and try something.

After finishing up the baths I dried them off and got them dressed. "Ok, now what are your names?" I asked. Looking from one to the other. I noticed that they weren't totally identical. One had blue eye, the lightest shade I had ever seen, while the other had purple eyes, like amytheist. Purple eyes spoke first "I'm Daem, and that's Yordann." I smiled. "Well, Daem and Yordann, It is so nice to meet you. Are you hungry?" They nodded, and bless my heart I felt like I could cry. I know I'm only sixteen, but I always wanted a brother or sister. Now it would appear I have two kids. I giggled and held out my hands for them. Yordann grabbed on first, then Daem. I walked them through the halls and into the kitchen. I sat them down at the table and went to pick something out. "Do you like soup?" I asked they nodded again. I pulled out some chicken soup, and heated it up. I grabbed some bowls and gave them each some.

They dug in like they hadn't eaten in days. I looked down at them sadly, and refilled their bowls.

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