Chapter 3 (unedited)

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After King Adam cast out the unwanted boys they were left to die. No one really knows how the Vampire survived, he was left even without a name. He is referred to as The First. He was raised by an unknown person, where as the werewolf was taken in by King Ryder, and treated as a son. They named him Grendel. He was raised as he should have been with the humans.

King Ryder and his Wife couldn't let go of their hate for the humans. Some say that since God gave Adam, Eve, he gave the Angles the werewolf. The vampire was cast out. No one really knows why, but they were. After about three and a half millennium years The First came back. He confronted her majesty Queen Eve who had taken the throne after Adam's death. He asked her why she had cast him out. He was her flesh and blood. Her only reply was "You were not fit to be in our presence, just as you are not worthy now." and then with out a backward glance he left. It was then that he stole the throne. His birthright as he put it. He didn't kill Eve only imprisoned her. He and his mysterious Queen had ruled all those years until the war started.

Bang. Bang. pause... bang, Bang, BANG.. pause.... Scratch...

I whipped my head around. The door was being attached? I walked over to it. I sat there listening to whatever it was try to get in. I silently laughed to myself. That door wasn't opening without the key. I looked around. I wonder what it was?

Awwwwwwoooooooooooooooo!!! (Wolf howl)  Scratch scratch..

Oooh that's what it is. Hehehehe good luck there wolfie. That door is silver, you ain't getting very far with your scratching. I got up, and went to check on the boys. They were awake. I came in, and smiled. "How come you guys are awake? Did that big bad wolf wake you up?" Yordann nodded. Daem pointed to Yordann. I wrapped my arms around them, and snuggled in. After awhile they fell asleep. I watched them sleep until I too fell asleep.

Grendel's POV

This fucking door. God I hate silver. If it wasn't I would have been in there by now. I can't believe I finally found my mate. Now if only she would come out. Ugh. So frustrating. I let out a loud howl when I felt her get closer to the door. I scratched faster. "Alpha?" I heard in the back of my head. "Not Now!!" I yelled at Everette. He was my Beta. The first one I changed. "Alpha, The boys are missing.. The King says to get your ass here now.." I stopped. What the boys? Neavine was gonna get it when I find her. She was suppose to watch them while I was busy. I shook my head and turned tail to the palace. This aught to be fun.. Not.

"Yes, Father? You requested my presence." I said calmly. "HOW COULD YOU LET THEM GET TAKEN?!?! BOTH OF THEM GONE!! WITHOUT A TRACE!!!" Sigh. I knew he was gonna be like this. "Father, I may know where they are." I said. King Ryder whipped around "WHAT!??" he yelled. Mom (Queen Lalynn) didn't look good. The boys were her babies. She was broken without them. "Where??" she asked heart broken. "With my mate.." I said quietly. I knew they heard me cause they both gasped. "You finally found her? Where is she? Why isn't she here?" he asked. "Everette go get the young pup." he commanded. I shook my head. "She isn't a wolf.." They looked at me strangely. "Is she Nephlim?" I shook my head. "Vampire!?!" he gasped. I shook my head. "Well what is she a fairy? Pixie? Nimph? What is she, boy spit it out!!" He yelled. i saw mom put a hand on his shoulder. I just wanted to crawl into myself and hide. "I.. is.. is she Human??" Mom said as if in disbelief. I nodded. They gasped.. "You plan on changing her, correct?" He said his voice rising in disgust. 'Not unless she wants me too. I don't even know her name Father. i don't know her. I just know where she is, and I know she has the boys." I spat at him. They looked at me. They hate humans. I don't. I don't judge an entire race on the actions of a few that are long gone.

He glared at me. Mom looked ready to cry all over again. Her wings tucked behind her. Unlike Father who had his wings at full mast. I stood there waiting for them to say something. "ha.... has... Are they alright?" mom asked. I nodded. She let out a sigh of relief. Her voice was a little rough from her screeching earlier. "You are dismissed." Father said curtly. I nodded and turn and left their room. i walked past everyone, they looked at me with shame. I knew this would happen. Why did she have to be human?? Humans were strictly forbidden. Mate or  no mate. most wolves just disappear one night. I count them as dead even though I know they aren't.

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