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I stood there. Just looking at Ukwon. Damn why can't I breath? His eyes were glued to the ground. His face showed no emotion. He didn't look up until his mother threw herself around my mother's shoulders and started crying. Ukwon's eyes glanced at his mother to my mother and lastly to me. His gaze landed on mine and I looked at my socks. My face was flushed. Then all of a sudden I mentally slapped myself for wearing ducky PJ's. I blushed even harder and turned to Zico who was sitting down in the couch. I sat next to him trying to have less eye contact with ukwon. Because when I like a guy I turned weird. Is either I talk too much or I don't talk a all; let's see which one he gets.....

I elbowed Zico on the side of his stomach. "What do you think happened to her?" I whispered to him trying to distract myself from the fact the love of my life was in the same room as me.

He yawned before answering, "I don't know. Who is that lady? Why is she here?" I guessed he had only seen mrs.Kim (ukwon mom) come in but not ukwon.

" I'm not sure but she brought her son with her." I said trying to be sleek around the subject because something told me Zico and ukwon knew each other. My reasons was because they were both REALLY popular and one day last year ( the year i didn't know Zico) I THINK i saw them hanging out in the basketball court at school. I hope my prediction was wrong because then they would know they live across each other and I'll be left behind by Zico and be that lonely girl I was before.

But of course my prediction was right. Whoopee~ (note the sarcasm.)

Ukwon entered the living room after my dad invited him in and my mom took mrs.Kim and sat her on the couch next to me to explain what happened. Zico was laying his head on my shoulder, his eyes were close so he hadn't seen Ukwon, who was carrying the luggage (which was a lot) inside the house. Ukwon kept his gaze down, not looking at me OR Zico.

I was pretty sure Zico was probably drooling on my shoulder so I poke him on the cheek to wake him up. I was really nervous because ukwon was standing against the wall with his eyes close a couple of feet from me. Zico woke up and stretch his arms. He then looked at mrs.Kim who was sobbing her heart out saying something I could barely understand but it didn't matter, because knowing my mom, she would tell me later.

Zico stood up not noting the presence of ukwon at all. He then looked at me. "I'm going to bed, tell me everything tomorrow." He whispered bending down my ear. He stood straight again and noticed Ukwon's presence. He looked at him for a good 8 seconds before saying his name. " yukwon?"

The brown haired boy turned his attention to the blonde haired one and a smiled crept up his face. "Zico? What are you doing here?" They gave each other a small hug and pulled away.

Zico: I was going to ask you the same thing.

Ukwon: I'll tell you later it's complicated.

Ukwon glanced at his mother who was still sobbing on my mom's shoulders.

Ukwon: why are you here?

Zico: JJ and I moved here for a while until my mom comes back from her job in Thailand.

Ukwon: nice! Where's JJ ?

Zico: he's sleeping.

Ukwon nodded then leaned closer to Zico whispering something in his left ear. Actually it was more like a question. After he finished saying his secretively words to Zico, they pulled away and I felt myself blush four shades of pink. They were looking at me. Right at me! I wanted to hide in a hole but instead I stood up.

Me: mom?

Mom: yeah Hana?

She looked up at me and everyone in the room focused their attentions on me too. Including Zico and Ukwon.

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