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"Your mom is so weird!" zico exclaimed at ukwon. We were finally walking to school. Zico and ukwon were walking while JJ and I skated slowly next to them to match their pace.

Me: why would she asks us those questions?"

JJ: yeah. It was weird!"

Ukwon: I don't know guys, just be thankful we didn't have to answer them.."

Me: not now but now we have to have that 'talk' after school." it was true. We refused to answer all those weird questions, so told us we were going to talk about it after school so I figure I might just come home a bit late. Maybe ill go to the movies and watch that horror film everybody is talking about.

Zico: im probably coming home late."

me: that's what I was going to do." zico smiled at me and we kept walking.

Ukwon: Hana do you have a phone."

Me: yeah." I put up my iphone so he would see.

Ukwon: can I have your phone number?"

What? Ukwon wants my phone number!? Isn't this like a step to get the girl you like! I turned to look at zico and JJ they looked pretty calm. Was ukwon tricking me?! Did he like me!? Omg! The love of my life is asking for my phone number!!!

Me: sure..." he handed me his iphone. I grabbed it and stared at the screen. It said new contact info. I typed my name on the contact info.' Hana' and my number then I gave it back. Ukwon smiled and looked at it. Zico raised an eyebrow.

Zico: why do you want her phone number?"

ukwon: um..just in case. I might need her help sometime or I might just want to talk to her when im bored." I knew his reasons were a lot but they didn't convince me. Why did he really want my phone number for?

All of a sudden my phone buzzed and I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. Nobody answered.

"Oh! It works!" I turned to look at ukwon.

Me: Was that you the one that called me?" I said putting my phone back in my back jean pocket.

Ukwon: yeah. I just wanted to make sure it was REALLY your number." I giggled. I already had zico's number and JJ's.

we walked and then we reached the school gate's. everyone was already inside I guessed. There were only two boys and one teacher looking outside waiting for the bell to ring and determine if you were late or not...god! I know our school is a talent academy and all but do they have to be so harsh on the first day of school....

The four of us were going to go inside and ignore the teacher but he spoke to us first...and guess who it was Mr.Ohk. He was not only the grumpiest meanest teacher in the world but he also taught the juniors and the seniors. (That includes the three of us except JJ.)

Mr.Ohk: well.well.well...if it isn't the gang of trouble makers..." he looked at us like we had committed a crime. And me? A trouble maker he didn't even know me!

Zico: well.well.well. If it isn't I don't care." zico scoffed back and ukwon just stood there with the same look on zico's face. JJ was just texting, not giving a damn.

Mr. Ohk: listen zico." he looked at him." and you too mr.kwon."he glanced at ukwon." I hope your stupid 'block b' gand doesn't cause any distractions in this school year-"

ukwon: what do you mean? We don't even caused distractions..."

Mr.Ohk: really? You guys are always distracting the girls with the way you dress and act. You guys created a food fight on the cafeteria about ten times last year and not to mention you guys are always showing 'too much' affection with the female students, or do we need to bring up those disturbing sexually involved accidents from the previous years."that's true. The block b crew would always have heated make out sessions anywhere they could with any girl they thought was cute and the girls didn't help either. They would throw themselves at the gang for no reason. They were just easy like that. I even remember the day Mr. Ohk found zico and the new girl having sex in the janitors closet. It was hilarious yet disgusting. He opened the door than closed it really fast he then knocked on it a thousand times and yelled."get dress and get out!" and they both did. The girl looked upset while zico looked normal. That was not a day to remember cause that happened a lot with the block b crew.

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