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I was kissing ukwon. It was NOT a dream. His lips pursued me. I didn't know what to do. I was in the state of shock. But soon I kissed back. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. Our lips moved in perfect rhythm, I felt my heart beat fast against my chest as he brought us closer . His hands cupping my face until his left hand slid down to my waist ,pulling me closer; so there is no space between us. This was a rough, passionate kiss and I would never forget it. I've liked him for so long. This is what I've dreamed of. Him.

We finally separated our lips. My breathing hitched as I try to let air into my lungs again. It was the lack of oxygen That pulled us away...not us.
He leaned his forehead on mine and just stared into my gaze. He breath heavily and his next words shocked me and hit me the good way. It was unexpected.

Ukwon: "I want you to be with me." Those were his words. I was speechless.


Ukwon: would you be.." I know where this is going.

Ukwon: my girlfri-"

I cut him off with a kiss and this time I dominated him. He pulled away for a slight second.

Ukwon: I'll take that as a yes." He smiled and kissed me again. I accidentally bit his lip hard. He winced but smiled. It was real. He was mine at last.


We walked out of the library, holding hands. We didn't say a word. It was a bit awkward but I got the courage to say something.

Me: so..since when did you start liking me?" I smiled looking at him. Ukwon stared at me. His smile was gentle.

Ukwon: the first day I moved in I thought you were strange but adorable-"

Me: was it the ducky pj's I was wearing?" I said embarrassed.

Ukwon: not at all. I thought they were cute but you look nervous that day and kept looking around like a strange person..."

Me: oh well thanks..." I said in full sarcasm.

Ukwon: and then my feelings for you developed the day you fractured your wrist. When we just happened.."I saw him blush.

Ukwon: so when did you start liking me?"

Me: now me...that's a long story.."

Ukwon: come on tell me!"

Me: last year? I'm not sure. I always liked you...but you had a thing with minah.."

Ukwon: and that's why I'm here. Your my ticket to forgetting her.."

Forgetting her? Is he using me?

Ukwon: I like you but I won't lie to you that I still have feelings for minah..but I know that my feelings for you will grow and I'm getting over her. One thing is for sure..I don't want to loose's like you were meant for me so please stay by my side..." He squeezed my hand. I smiled.

Me: let's go." I said.

We walked back to the cafe. As we were about to open the door, yura came into sight. Yura and Zico were still dating. What a shocker...
She saw us and wave to us, or more precisely she wave to ukwon. She doesn't like me.

Yura: hey ukwon." See! Told you that bitch didn't like me.

Me: hi yura."

Yura: oh. Hi." Atleast put some feeling into pretending you like me.

Ukwon: are you going inside?"

Yura: obviously!" She giggled like an idiot. Damn...was she always this fake and annoying? Tch! Zico deserves better!

Ukwon: you should go inside. Me and Hana have some news to tell the guys.."

News? We were going to tell them? Now!?! Why am I nervous..

Yura: news? Alright..." She scratched her head but glanced at me. She gave ukwon a smile before she rolled her eyes at me. She hates me that bad?

Yura: I'll see you inside." She then entered the cafe.

I glanced at ukwon.

Ukwon: what's wrong?"

Me: are we really going to tell them..that we're- you"

Ukwon: yeah. I've known you for three months..I like you. We're going out. I don't see why not.."

Me: you're right." I took a deep breath.

Ukwon: come on." He spread his hand out to me. I smiled, taking his hand.

Me: let's go." I opened the door to the cafe. The guys and naeun were laughing. Yura was sitting next to Zico. His arm around her. I cringe.

Bbomb: hey guys you're back. What took you so long..." His voice trailed off when he saw us holding hands. I fell the need to let go of his hand and honestly, I wanted to but ukwon held my hand tight; Like if his life depended on it and soon my life did too so I held it tighter too.

Zico: what are you guys doing?" He said staring at our hands intertwine. As if he had laser vision that could tear them apart.

Naeun was surprised. She just stared with her mouth open. Yet she still looked pretty...

Taeil: yah! Stop fooling around and sit-"

Ukwon: me and Hana are a couple now." He said it standing proudly. The guys were wide eyed. Yura's jaw dropped and naeun had a smile on her face.

Bbomb: woah! Congrats!" He was the first to show a smile. He clapped like if we were getting married.

Taeil: DAEBAK! Ukwon you always get the good ones!!!"

I felt embarrassed.

Naeun: come on sit." She told us with a smile. Moving over so we could sit.

I felt much better now.

Yura: so- umm..this was the news?"

Ukwon: yep." He squeezed my hand.

Zico: I didn't know you guys had a thing." He had a serious tone as he took a sip of his smoothie.

Ukwon: wasn't it obvious?"

Zico shook his head.

Ukwon: doesn't matter, at least now you know."

We order drinks and talked. Zico stared at me most of the time as if trying to burn a hole in my head. I refused to look at his intimidating face but at the end it didn't work. I LOOKED.

Zico smiled at me. It was creepy. Don't know why it just was.

Me: BWO?!" I mouth quietly.

Zico: nothing.." He mouth back with a smile. He suddenly stood up. His smile changed so fast. It was fake.

Yura: oppa..were are you going?"

Zico: I feel tired and I have to unpack. So see you later." He walked two steps but then stopped again and turned back to the table. " naeun, I think you should meet jaehyo, you guys are a perfect match." He turned to me and ukwon."on the other hand you guys..congrats!" He smiled and left us with a question mark. I thought the guys would be worried but instead went back to doing their thing.


It was late. We spent hours in the cafe. The sunset was setting when we went back to the dorms. Naeun walked with ukwon and I. When we reach the girl's dorm we stopped walking. Guys weren't allowed in the girls dorm but that rule is always being broken. But not for me. I've never broken that rule.

Naeun: I'll go in first. Hana don't take long.." She smiled and entered, leaving us two alone.

Ukwon: was your first day as my girlfriend?" He had a cheeky smile.

Me: perfect! Just perfect."

Ukwon: good. I liked it too."

Me: I have to go."

Ukwon smiled before he pulled me and gave me a peck on the cheek. I blushed.

Me: bye."

Ukwon: goodnight. Sleep tight." He smiled. He watched until I entered the building safely. I was pretty sure he was gone. As I pressed the button on the elevator a girl stood next to me. I glanced at her. I suddenly felt bad.

Me: minah? Are you okay?"

She didn't answer. I glanced at her body. She was- for the first time ever since we stopped being friends- wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Her hair was in a bun and she was not wearing make up.

Me: I'm sorry."

She didn't answer and the elevator's door opened. She entered and I followed. I was surprised that she clicked floor two. It meant we were in the same floor.

Me: you look prettier without make up and all that exaggerating clothing.." Maybe that sounded kind of rude.

She finally looked at me. Her eyes were puffy and red. She was really crying over ukwon? I'm a horrible person!

Minah: don't talk to me, please."

Me: sorry."

Minah: whatever. " the elevators door opened and she stepped out. "Goodnight." She mumbled and walked away, entering the fourth door on my right. She was right there. Her room was so close to mine.

I felt horrible but I was still happy because I was with ukwon, and I like him.

I entered my room. Naeun was on her bed in her pj's. She was setting up her alarm clock.

Me: goodnight."

Naeun: goodnight." She smiled."by the way..congrats on your relationship." She seemed to mean it and then she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I walked to my closet. I had just fixed my clothing. I looked at my sleeping wear. I smiled when I saw the ducky pj's. I decided to put them on. After all they were my favorite. I picked up my hair in a ponytail and climbed in my bed. I couldn't sleep thinking about everything that was going on now. After an hour somebody knocked on my door. I was kind of creeped out because honestly no body knocks on your dorm door late at night. UNLESS...

Me: who is it?!" I felt scared. Maybe it was a killer. Was I in one of those scary movies.
I didn't know who was at the other side of the door but I was curious. I didn't think twice before I opened the door. This was the part where the guy with the chainsaw killed me. I gasped but contained my scream because it was NOT a guy with a chainsaw. It was just...Zico.

Me: what are you doing here?"

Zico: can I talk to you now?"

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