Rizpah new she had stung Hur's ego with her mirthful outburst. Just that it had been so funny. She giggled to herself again as his image came to mind. At least now she knew he had feelings, right? Her foot still stung, but in general, she felt much stronger. She looked around the cave again. Since she was lying by the wall, she pushed herself into a sitting position. The walls were corrosive and red, like it had a lot of iron in it.
That was when she had a brilliant idea... You know like in all those books when the man was stranded on an island and he kept a somewhat crude calendar by drawing lines on the walls. She quickly scanned the floor for a stick, or better still, a rock she could use as her pencil. Finding one, she grabbed it and started thinking. How long had she been shipwrecked here? Give or take, two weeks. She might as well start with a week. Using her pencil, she drew four lines with one across, making five. She remembered being taught tallying in finishing school. Good to know that knowledge wasn't a waste. She then added two more beside it.
That was when she heard a low but distinct grunt from the cave mouth. She whirled herself around, preparing for an apology when the warmest bundle of flesh and hair zipped unto her lap. Startled, she let out a yelp of surprise and looked down. That's when her eyes were fed to the cutest black eyes God ever gave to a piglet.
Awwww! She thought, squeezing it to her chest. Aren't you the cutest thing ever. It's heart was beating erratically as if it had been running from something. But what was a domestic pig doing way out in the jungle. There was no way it had gotten there on its own. It's tail was all coiled up like a spring. It's tiny heart was still beating way too fast for normal.
Don't worry, Curly. You're safe now. Nothing's going to harm you. Trust me. You'll be safe right here. The big scary man will protect us, ok? Calm down. There there, Curly, there there.
"Is that our dinner you are bestowing with love and affection?"
Rizpah startled. She looked at Curly all curled up in her arms. "Did you say dinner?" She looked up into Hur's face which was still obscured by the caves dim lighting.
"Yes, woman. Dinner." He walked into the light and that was when she saw that he had been carrying some sort of load on his back. He opened the sack and started emptying its content. He brought out bananas, pears, beans, some other things she couldn't name, and corn. Lot's of corn.
"Okay, first of all, we are not having Curly for dinner. So you have to look elsewhere for our protein source. And secondly, will you quit calling me woman, man? I have a name, you now, maybe try it sometime"
Hur began to husk some corn. He said nothing. He was hungry and angry and not going back out there. He stroked the flames to reignite the dying embers and laid the corn beside the fire to roast. He then got up to his full height and began to stride towards Ria with a determined look on his face.
Ria saw the vengeful look in his eyes as he began to approach her.
"Hur? Wait a second... Listen to me... Please don't kill him, he's just a baby. He didn't do anything to you. Please Hur..."
He just stooped down and snatched her pink bundle of joy from her grasp.
"Hur please..." She could try her cute face on him. "Please?" For a second, she thought she saw sympathy in his eyes but it was gone in a flash.
Curly began to squeal as Hur tightened his grip around his neck. He got up and began to walk out.
"Wait!" Hur stilled. "Look, I'm sorry I laughed at you earlier with the fire and all. Just don't kill him.
He began to walk out again. "If you kill him, I'll murder you whilst you sleep!"
"You can try." He replied and walked out.
Wow! Rizpah thought. No sympathy, whatsoever. That was one mean man. she wasn't eating that poor pig even if she had to starve to death to make a statement.
Maybe it was an hour later, she didn't know, but Hur strode back in with Curly on a spit. He put it over the corn to roast also. The corn was ready, so he removed it and handed two to her. She took it and began to nibble on her corn.
"It's a pig, woman," he began, trying to justify his actions, "It was born to die."
Rizpah just turned away from him and laid back down. She knew what she was going to do. And boy, was he going to be pissed. She soon fell asleep, her revenge plan cooking up in her mind.
Rizpah awoke and knew immediately why she had awoken. It was time to carry out her plan. There was no justice system around here, so she knew she had to take the law into her hands. She had seen the way he treated his hair. It was butt long, silky, and black. She was going to cut off his ponytail. She smiled diabolically. That would teach him.
The fire had died out, but the moon was full, so she could see around the cave. She knew he kept his knives strapped to his belt, so she began to crawl toward Hur's sleeping mat. It was a slow process, but not so painful. She arrived in no time and saw her weapon of choice. She moved up to a kneeling position and put her hand unto his belt. She looked into his face. He was so handsome. Not the normal feminine beauty that London gentlemen had with their pasty skin tones and soft palms. Hur was handsome in a masculine way. With his rough palms and strong arms. He reminded her of a children's book her mom used to read to her when she was younger.
But she was here to wreak havoc. She began to fumble with his belt buckle and was able to slide the knife successfully. she took his ponytail into her hands and put the knife on his hair. She so felt like Delilah right now with Samson fast asleep. She chuckled. She pressed the knife to his hair...
"Don't you dare, Rizpah!"
Hey everyone. So I awoke this morning and knew I had to complete this chapter and post it to you guys. You've all been sooo supportive and loving the book. Please like, comment, and vote.
The picture above will be familiar to most of you, but that's kinda how i imagine Rizpah to look with her almost white hair and milky skin.
Thanks you'all for being patient with me. I hope to work harder...Terminaytress...
Shipwrecked on Red-Indian Land
Исторические романыAfter being shipwrecked on a remote jungle Island in the middle of God knows where, Rizpah is rescued by a barbarian who stashes her away in his cave. Will she ever be able to tame this cave-man and change his savage ways? How will she go back to ci...