Gordon Ramsay dinner party

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Andrea's POV
I cannot believe that I am in the top 6 in Master chef like I'm only a girl from Orlando Florida and I have a dream of opening a cafe runned by my family.

Gordon: Welcome back young cooks.

Graham: so today we are not going to be in the master chef kitchen.

Christina: Today you will be cooking at someone's house who nows good food. Do you guys know who's house it is.

Andrea: If I get this right Gordon owes me 5 dollars
Gordon: Deal.

Andrea: Ok the house we are cooking in is Gordon Ramsay house.

Gordon: How did you know?

Andrea: I have my ways and now you owe me five dollars

He takes five dollars out

Gordon: Anyway so today we will be cooking at my house. Um Addison and Zac, please come up. You guys will be the team captains for today.

Graham: The way we will find out who will get first pick is by coin. Zac, heads or tails?

Zac: Heads

Graham: If its heads, Zac gets first pick but if its tails, Addison gets first pick.

Zac's POV
Right now I am wishing that I get first pick because then I can choose Andrea because she is the greatest cook right now and she is my best friend. But I feel like we could be more than friends.

Graham: It is.....Heads

Andrea's p.o.v
Now I have a chance to be in Zac's team because if he chooses me we can win this challenge.

Gordon: Ok so Zac who are you going to choose first.

Addison's POV
I hope Zac doesn't pick Andrea because I'm only going to use her to make my team win and also do everything.

Zac's POV

"This person I'm going to choose is someone who knows a lot in cooking and has a great knowledge in food. This person is also my best friend and they should know who they are so please step up."

Andrea's pov
I can't believe Zac choose me to be in his team. So I walk up and grab my red apron.

Zac. Addison
Andrea. Kya
Avery. JJ

Gordon: Alright so hope you guys have a safe trip over there and I'll see you in an hour.
An hour later 😊

So I am back at the Ramsay household and I see the girls from the family

Girls: ANDREA!

Andrea: GIRLS!

Jack: hey don't forget about me!

Andrea: I would never forget about you bestie

Zac: HEY!

Andrea: Fine second bestie. *whispers* you are my first bestie don't tell him.

Gordon: Ok so guys I am going to have a lunch with some chefs and some old Master chef contestants. Please follow me. Girls and jack, you'll see andrea later

*skip the talk*

Gordon: Are you guys ready?


Gordon: 3...2...1. GO!

Both teams are cooking...

Gordon: Which team do you think will nail this?

Christina: I have to say red team because they have an organize team bout blue team doesn't seem organize.

Graham: yea

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