Chapter 23.

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Happie reading!


- The Devil within will burn you down if You let your demons lead your way. -MyQuote.


Ammar's POV:

"Come in." I said as someone knocked on office door. I looked up from my laptop and found a guy entering in the office with a box in his hand.

"Here is your order, Sir." A guy from sixth floor said as he came up to me.

"What is this?" I asked and he kept the box on my table without answering my question. I glared at him and he picked it up again.

"Sir, these are the Arabic learning books." He informed. I frowned at him and he spoke again.

"S-sir. Mr. Klaus send these." He informed me and I rolled my eyes. My hand reached out for my mobile.

"Sir?" He said as I slide the call icon, calling Klaus.

"Sir, what do I do with these books?" He asked cautiously and I looked at him.

"Donate them at any library." I said dismissively and he walked away. Klaus picked the call and I focused.

"Hey, to be groom." He laughed and I rolled my eyes at my stupid friend.

"What was the books for?" I asked coming to point and he laughed again. Someday I will snatch his voice buds. My eyes settled on the laptop screen as I stare at the Mr. Zain Rehan from Alshawaq Company.

"Oh that, you told me the other day you wanted to learn Arabic for your chick." He said and I heard some girls giggling in the background. I looked at the door when someone knocked it.

"Wait," I told Klaus, "come in." I answered and Khalil walked in with Saif behind him. I muted the call and looked at the men.

"Did you find his current location?" I asked Saif. He nodded and Khalil spoke up.

"Zain Rehan is refusing to pay us our payment, Sir. We have sent some of the best staff members to talk but he still isn't agreeing. It's more than three thousand dollars" my nod cut him off and both the men waited for me. I looked at Saif.

"Okay, take him. Don't let him go till he pays." I ordered causing both of them to raise their eyebrows at me in shock.

"But- Sir, its illegal." Saif uttered and I let my gaze get hard as I shrugged.

"Thats my way of work, and there is nothing legal or illegal for me." I said dissmisively. Yet they stayed rooted. I felt my anger making its way in me when the idiots still stayed freaking unmoved.

"But, Sir. If we-" Khalil started but I cut him off.

"You are not getting paid for objecting on my simple order." I snapped and he gulped. Both exchanged a look of doubt, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Due all your respect, I just wanted to let you know. Maybe Mr. Khalid won't like this decision." Khalil said in a formal tone and I stood up. They took a step back and I smirked.

"I am not Mr. Khalid. And this my way of work. Now either you work as I say or you can sit at home." I smiled sarcastically and their eyes widened. I smirked when they both nod in agreement and leave.

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