Chapter Twenty

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A/N: This is the final chapter of the story :( but please make sure to read the author's note at the end, thank you:)

2 years later......

I woke up from bed and headed over to the bathroom to take a refreshing, warm shower to keep me awake for the day ahead. As soon as I finished I headed over to my dressing table and dried my wet hair, I used two strands at the front of my hair and French braided until it finished going around my head.

 As soon as I finished I headed over to my dressing table and dried my wet hair, I used two strands at the front of my hair and French braided until it finished going around my head

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I then applied some light bronze type of eye shadow and added a little bit of light pink shade colour to both my cheeks, and to finish it all off I added a rosy tint to my lips. For my outfit I wore a white decorated summer dress, which is just above my knees and used a thin beige belt to wrap around my waist.

 For my outfit I wore a white decorated summer dress, which is just above my knees and used a thin beige belt to wrap around my waist

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I wore my white trainers and grabbed my beige purse before heading out.

Today was a beautiful day, the sun was shining ever so brightly, the trees had different shades of green, and flowers were blossoming along the streets. I headed over to my location which was the café, the welcoming smell of both sweet and savoury entered my nose, which made a smile appear upon my lips.

A cup of coffee with a leaf and heart decorated on top was placed in front of me; I bowed and showed a smile at the waitress before she turned on her heels to take other people's orders.

A cup of coffee with a leaf and heart decorated on top was placed in front of me; I bowed and showed a smile at the waitress before she turned on her heels to take other people's orders

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The slight sound of a bell went off in the café indicating that another customer has entered I looked up and immediately a wide grin plastered across my face, seeing that he had come.

"Kookie!" I waved at him, he did the same.

"Sorry, there was traffic on the way, did you wait long?" he asked.

"No, I just arrived." I smiled.

"Thank goodness."

"I already ordered you a coffee, so you don't have to get up."

"Thanks Hana." He continued, "You look very pretty." I blushed at his comment.

"Hey after we finish I want to take you somewhere."

"Okay." I replied.


We arrived at the destination Jungkook wanted to take me but I don't even know where I am because he has his hands on my eyes.

"Can I open my eyes now?" I asked.

"Not yet, wait." We kept walking further until we came to a stop.

'Finally' I thought to myself.

"Ready..... 1....... 2........3......." He removed his hands away from my eyes, I opened my eyes to see complete darkness, at first I was confused but then right before my eyes the lights were turned on revealing a beautifully decorated bushes with all sorts of shapes, I was amazed at the decoration until one particular sentence caught my attention, before I could get a clear view of the words, Jungkook went in front of me and got down on one knee, I was startled by his action.

"Park Hana, it has been two years since we have been together and I can't get enough of your smiles and beauty, to me you are the only person who brightened my day every single day and you are always by my side. Everything that I have done in the past to hurt you and make you cry I hope you can forgive, from now on I want to start a new life with you and be with you forever...... so Hana will you marry me?" He held a small box in front of me and opened it to reveal a silver and diamond plated ring.

 so Hana will you marry me?" He held a small box in front of me and opened it to reveal a silver and diamond plated ring

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I couldn't hold back my emotions at his speech, tears of joy were flowing down my cheeks.

"Yes I will." I smiled.

Jungkook was so happy at my response he held my hand and placed the ring on my finger, he got up from his position and wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his shoulders, he twirled me around with excitement. When we stopped we were staring into each other's eyes and I couldn't help but look down from embarrassment, Jungkook placed his fingers under my chin and lifted my face so that I was looking at him, he slowly leaned in and before I knew it his soft lips were on mine.

This moment right now is my happiness and this is where I will start a new life with him.


A/N: Thank you so much everyone for reading my first ever fanfiction I really you hoped reading this, I have another fanfiction called What Happened?! I haven't updated the chapters yet just only the story info, please go ahead and read the plot of my new fanfiction and wait for updates to the story. Thank you:)

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