Chapter Thirteen

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Part two of the flashback:

Author's P.O.V:

4 years later........

Doctor Kim Seokjin entered the room to check on his patient Kim Min Hee, as he approached her bed he looked down at the girl who was in deep sleep and an oxygen mask on her face, he had this sympathy rushing through his body every time he visited her room.

"It has been 4 years and you still haven't woken up, you are my first patient and I don't want to let you go yet, I still believe that you can hear me and you will wake up soon." He laid his hand on top of her pale hand.

"I also believe that she will wake up soon." Jin was startled at the sudden voice but turned around to see Mrs Jeon.

"Hello Mrs Jeon." She smiled at the doctor and proceeded to sit next to Min Hee's bed.

"Mrs Jeon, you should be having a rest at home, you come here everyday from morning till midnight to be with Min Hee and that is very caring of you, Mrs Jeon you can trust us to look after Min Hee."

"I am absolutely fine, just coming here everyday to see this girl lightens up my day because I feel like I can still communicate with my best friend through her daughter, and I want to see Min Hee wake up so that I can ask for forgiveness." Jin listened to the woman talking about her past and he felt like he was going to burst out in tears.

"Doctor Jin, can I ask for a favour please?"

"Yes please go ahead."

"When Min Hee wakes up I know that she won't be able to remember anything after that horrible incident so.............. I want you to take her in not as your patient but as a brother, Min Hee doesn't have a family and I don't want her to go back to that orphanage, I want her to start a new life with a family and........ when I saw you staying by her side and looking after her, it made me think that Min Hee would be happy to have a brother like you with her, so please can you accept her?" Jin was shocked to hear this coming out from Mrs Jeon, he didn't know what to say, taking her in? Become a brother? Whenever Jin saw Min Hee he instantly felt like an older brother towards her, he wanted to protect her from anything, he wanted to do anything just to see her wake up from this coma...... he wanted her to forget the pain and suffering that she had gone through without anyone there to stay by her side. He looked up at Mrs Jeon and gave her a smile and a nod as a reply to her question, Mrs Jeon hugged Jin and thanked him multiple times.

"When she wakes up I will definitely call you to visit." Jin said.

"Actually.............. just tell me if she has woken up, I don't think I will have the courage to see her face to face, I'm afraid that once I see her awaken face I might break down, I feel happy enough that you will take her in and I want to thank you for all your hard work, I think I might leave now since my son is worried about me coming here everyday and arriving late at home."

"Oh, your son hasn't visited for 4 years too, is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine, he locked himself in his room, he is upset that he didn't know about Min Hee transferring to his school."

"It's not his fault that his phone was off during school, I'm sure that he will realise that sooner or later."

"Thank you for your concern doctor, before I go I have another favour to ask again."

"How can I help?"

"When Min Hee does wake up, I want you to change her name into something else, I think that she already suffered enough in her life with that name so I want her to start fresh again, I don't really mind what name you give her as long as she is alive and healthy."

"Sure, no problem Mrs Jeon." With that said Mrs Jeon left the room bidding a final goodbye to the doctor and Min Hee.



Jin instantly ran straight to Min Hee's room to see her sitting up on her bed looking around the room with a confused expression.

"You have finally woken up."

"W-where am I?"

"In hospital."


"You were in coma for 4 years and I have been waiting for you to finally wake up."

"4 years?! What happened?"

"You were in an accident, but I'm not really sure what happened, but now that you are finally awake do you remember anything?"

"No........ not really."

"How about your name?"

"My name? My name is.......... I don't know, I can't remember my name."

"Its okay, your name is Park Hana and I am your older brother Jin."

"You are my brother? But if I am Park Hana why are you a Kim?"

"I adopted you because you are an orphan."

Hana's eyes widened in shock to find out that she is an orphan.

"But why did you adopt me?"

"Because you are my very first patient, and I always stayed by your side and waited for you to wake up, I never gave up on you because I still believed that you would wake up one day, and also you resemble my little sister that I used to have but now she is.......... gone. Hana I know this is all a big shock to you but I want you to accept me as your brother if that is ok with you."

Hana felt touched by Jin's words.

"Yes I will because you believed in me and for that I am grateful............. so what happens now?"

"Well I just have to do a few more check ups on you to see how your condition is and then after that I will take you to my home............ well our home."

"Ok......... so should I call you oppa now?"

"Its up to you if you feel comfortable around me that way."

"Ok I will call you oppa, I don't want to be disrespectful towards my elders." Hana smiled at Jin.

"After this let's go out to eat, I'm sure you have missed the food around here for 4 years." 

"YAY FOOD!" Hana burst out in joy, Jin was laughing at his now little sister who was rambling on about the food that she wants to have.


Jungkook's P.O.V:

*Ring* *Ring*

"Rap Mon hyung wassup?"

"Jungkook........ I know who Kim Min Hee is."



A/N: Hello everyone I hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter, I am currently in school typing this up, I have no more exams so we are basically doing anything we want so I decided to do another update for this story.

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