Why Were You Never Around?

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We walked out to the jail yard and I went to the benches.

The jail yard was a large cement platform with nothing but dirt and benches. It was surrounded by metal fences, lined with barbed wire. There was a fence in the middle, dividing the males and the females.

The benches I sat at were against the fence that separated us. I watched the door that the men came out of.

"Hey Queen." Shallow greeted. Don't ask about her nickname-I honestly don't know, nor care.

My nickname, on the other hand, went from "Princess" to "Queen."

I looked at her, "Hm?"

"You waitin' for ya boys?"

I looked back at the door, "Yeah, this'll probably be the only time I get to talk to them."

She shrugged and sat down, "What's there to really talk about? I mean, you live with them."

I leaned against the fence, "I wasn't really around much."

She looked at me, "Wha-"

We heard the doors open. Everyone's attention went to the men walking out.

I saw Craig first. He had orange pants on, but he wasn't wearing an orange shirt. Instead he was wearing a white shirt, but it looks like someone ripped on the sleeves. He looked pretty dirty, but some of the women thought he looked sexy.

Marcel was second. He had the jumpsuit on completely, but the front wasn't buttoned and he wasn't wearing another shirt under it like everybody else. More women went nuts.

Tyler was the last one to come out of the building. Of course, he didn't have a shirt, and all the girls went crazy, but he looked like a douche.

I laughed as they looked at me and walked over to me.

"What?" Craig laughed.

"You guys look like you're having to much fun."

They laughed a bit, gave some stupid explanation, and sat down.

"What about you not being around?" Shallow asked.

I crossed my arms and thought about B.R.I.A.N.

After updating our security, we started building up our combat. However, we seemed to lack something that I didn't realize we needed until we almost got caught: Backup.

What happened was that we tried to rob one of the most popular gas stations in Los Santos. We were about to get away, but they got in the way.

That's when I first met "Them."

We sneaked down the road and turned down the alley we parked the truck. I jumped into the back and held out my hands, signifying that they could start handing me the cash.

The car bounced like someone just jumped on it. I grabbed the side of the truck so I could keep my balance. I turned around, and met a monkey.

It was a shirtless white man with baggy black pants. He wore a monkey mask with a cigar in his mouth. The part that really freaked me out though, was that fact that it was so dark, it looked like he didn't have eyes.

"You got a new partner?" He said in a child-like voice. 

I suddenly felt less intimidated by him.

"(N/n), get off the truck." Wildcat said. I turned to him because he sounded pressured, like he's meant to say it before, but it didn't come out until now.

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