You're Sorry?

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Turning 28 is apparently a big deal. Tyler really wanted us to have a party and invite everyone over. That's the main reason I agreed to throw the party; I haven't seen any of them in a while. I didn't lose touch, we still call each other to check up on each other but that's pretty much it. Not including running into them at public places.

I also had to tell Tyler something and having everyone here would make it ten times better.

We set up everything inside because it was raining/snowing outside and we clearly weren't going to have everyone sit in the rain/snow. Especially because Brock and Lauren have a 2-year-old.

Tyler put out the cupcakes and a very fancy wine. I laughed as he kept moving it, not sure where it would look better.

He turned to me and playfully glared, "Stop laughing at me."

"We are you being so picky?" I asked walking to him. He turned and I wrapped my arms around his neck while he did the same around my waist.

"Because we haven't seen them in forever and I want to make a good impression." He said, "Plus, I like showing off."

I laughed at that and we share a sweet, passionate kiss. We pulled away and smiled. I pointed at the wine on the table and said, "Move it over to the left a bit."

He laughed, "Shut the fuck up." Then kissed me again.

We heard the doorbell ring throughout our house and we pulled away. I fixed my outfit and walked to the door. I looked back at Tyler and he had the biggest and goofiest smile on his face.

I chuckled and open the door to B.R.I.A.N. and Craig. They were nicely dressed and had really big smiles on their faces. They had little wet spots mainly on their shoulders due to the rain/snow.

"B.R.I.A.N.! Craig!" I shouted, motioning for them to come in, hugged them along the way.

Tyler walked over and hugged them too, "God, I missed you guys."

I smiled as we started talking for a little bit. Mainly about what we've all been doing with our lives since we decided to move out.

Tyler and I thought it was time to get our own house so we moved out soon after Bryce recovered from the bullet incident.

The doorbell rung again and I walked to the door. I opened it and met Marcel, Simone, Scotty, and Chrissy.

"Hey!" I said and hugged them as they came in. Simone and I nearly squished each other

The doorbell soon rang again so I opened it to Brock, Lauren, and little Y/N shouting, "Happy birthday!"

I laughed as Y/n made grabby hands at me. I took from Lauren and said, "Thank you."

Yeah they named their child after me. I tried to tell them that they really didn't have to, but they clearly didn't listen. I was flattered, but I honestly didn't see the need for them to name her after me. Lauren said it was because I saved both their lives but I still feel like they shouldn't have done it.

I moved out of the way so they can walk in. I hugged them as they walked by and Lauren suddenly gasped, "Chrissy!"

Everyone turned to her and she looked confused, "What?"

"Are you gaining weight or is that what I think it is?" She asked, pointed at her.

She was wearing a somewhat tight dress and that's when I noticed the small bump on her stomach. She smiled and put her hand on it, "Damn, got spotted by the expert."

Everyone smiled and clapped for the new mother and father.

"Scotty, are you even cut out to be a father?" Tyler joked.

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