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We all glanced at each other but our attention soon fell right back to Bryce and Luke.

"What do you mean?" I spoke up.

Luke checked the street and pushed Bryce to them, "I'm going to continue to stall him, you explain what's going on to them."

Before Bryce could even comprehend what Luke said, he ran off. He turned back to us and said, "O-Okay. Well when you all left, Luke and I decided to try and take care of Ryan, but he wouldn't listen to us. We thought that maybe if he slept it off he would be fine, but he never fell asleep. We didn't realize till we woke up and he had guns to our heads. He said if we didn't listen to him, he'd kill us...and...a-and..."

Bryce began to cry. He said it himself: Ryan was his best friend, and to wake up with them having a gun to his head and threaten him that he might kill just took a toll on him.

Jon walked to him and hugged him. After a while of him crying on his shoulder, Jon said, "And what, Bryce?"

He sniffles and continued, "And h-he said that he sent out a warning for everyone to leave town silently. He targeted your guys houses specifically and made sure you guys didn't even know people left."

"How the fuck did he do that?" Scotty questioned.

"Cell phone alerts and television signals." I answered, "Nearly everyone has a phone with them and if not, signals for tv's can come on and blare out whatever Ryan wanted it to."

"Yeah, but people have cables and not everyone has a cellphone." Evan said.

"Yeah but if something were to happen and people could be in danger, family and friends would try and help people they care about." I explained.

"How come our neighbors didn't tell us?" Brock asked.

I shrugged, "May depend on how close you are with them. Plus, Bryce said that Ryan told everyone to leave silently, so when they probably thought that since they got it, you guys got it too."

"But that still doesn't explain why there were no stories or reports on it." Craig added.

"I don't know what Ryan put in the alert, but it could've said not to do reports or anything until further notice." I said, "If he was able to get to everyone's houses, people probably thought it was a city or state thing, and no reporter wants to get fired."

Everyone nodded, finally having a small understanding of what might have happened.

"Wait, so everyone just walked out of town?" David asked.

I looked at Bryce and he said, "That's what Ryan said, but I don't know if everyone left. That's why he wants Luke and I to search everywhere. That and to find you guys but we don't want to tell him we found you."

Everyone looked at each other, not sure what to do. There weren't any questions we could ask Bryce that would help us better understand the situation.

"Why us?" Tyler asked.

We all looked at him, then at Bryce. He voice was weak, but he said, "Because you were the first to get away," he said looking at us then at his former partners, "and you guys left."

After a little bit of thinking, Anthony broke the silence by saying, "Well, what do we do now? I don't want to die and he knows where we all live."

"There are three people looking for us and two of them aren't cooperating with the one who's actually trying to find us." Marcel responded, "Plus, this city is huge. If we run now, it's very unlikely that we'll run into Ryan."

"I don't know about you," Chrissy interrupted, "but pregos over here ain't gonna be running fast."

That's when I realized that none of these girl were anywhere near qualified to be in this situation as far as I know.

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