Chapter 2- School Tour By The Principal's Son

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"Wait!" I huffed tring my best to keep up with the fast pace of Alec's running.

"For a Witch you sure are slow." Alec teased breathlessly. He stopped and gasped for some air once we made it to the front door and turned back to me with a smirk.

"Looks like you didn't have this part planned out, did yah?" I laughed, still gasping for air.

"What do you mean?" He smiled reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a key. He had a smug look on his look and unlocked the school's door.

"W-What?! Where'd you get that?!" I questioned curious of how he could of possibly gotten the school key. Alec's smile turned into a frown and quickly back into his smug empression.

"Thats for me to know and you to not be so nosey about." He grinned and pulled me by my trench coat into the school. He watched me as I examined the school's halls and I could feel him smiling at me.

"I have never seen someone act the way you do when they get to a new school." He snickered at me and grabbed my hand pulling me toward class B-3.

"This is my first hour class, English, Watson." Alec's eyes stared through the class door's window and his electric blue eyes glared back to my honey brown ones.

"Watson?" I smiled back to him and my face heated noticeing how close we were to eachother.

'I've never been this close to a male before..'

"Yeah." He replied with a small grin he put one arm onto the class door and one above my shoulder.

'Is he about to kiss me?!'

"I-I have her first hour too." I said tring not to sound nervous, but failing misrebly.

'I can't keep from stuttering..., Hes leaning in! To kiss?!'

"He.., He's male." Alec smirked, leaning in even more. I tried to lean backwards but I was already against the wall, I couldn't lean back any further.

"Are you okay? You look pale..." Alec asked conserned for my health. I smiled nervously and stood on my tip toes.

"Y-Yes.., F-Fine. I-I'm fine." I shutted shyly. He moved back slightly away from my neck and I got off my tip toes.

"Hey Alec, is that you!" I saw a tall dark and oh-so-handsome male approach.

"Tanner, what are you doing here? Why are you here so early? And how did you even get in here?" Alec asked backing off of me and making his way over to Tanner.

'Would he have... Kissed me?'

"I stole a car from Burger King and recked through the jym's walls." Tanner anwsered with a serious look apon his face.

"Seriously?! You could get kicked out of-!"

"No, you idiot. I busted through Mrs. Barson's classroom window." Tanner inturruped giving a short and brief chuckle.

"O-Oh..., Thank God." Alec let out a sigh of relief and began to chat with Tanner, completly forgeting I exsisted.

'I really don't understand boys..'

"Okay I'll just give myself a tour of the school then." I huffed giving attitude although they still didn't notice me. I began to walk off and after a few minutes of traveling through halls and up stairs I found myself lost.

'Where am I? I should of just stuck with those two guys down stairs.., At the least I wouldn't be lost in the middle of a three floored school.'

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