^Chapter 2^

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Katie's POV (Time Skipped a few days)

MineCon is today! I flew in last night, but Alli and Sarah are flying in today. We decided that we would share a hotel room, and then all their 'office friends would spilt up too. Granted, I've never met any of them before. I've only seen pictures. I do know that Alli and Sarah's boss is a very popular YouTuber, though. There's a knocking on my hotel door.

"Coming!!" I yell, walking over to the door. I woke up awhile ago, and I'm planning on going to the convention soon. As soon as I open the door, I see Sarah and Alli!

"KATIE!!!" Sarah yells and she knocks me over in a hug.

"Doggy pile!" Alli yells as she climbs on top. I hear some male laughing, but I shake it off as I hug Sarah and Alli back.

"Guys!! I thought you weren't coming until later!" I exclaimed, very excited to see my best friends.

"We decided to surprise you! We couldn't miss seeing you sing on stage," Alli says.

"Yeah! Especially if you fall of or something! That would be YouTube gold!" Sarah says excitedly.

"Well, I'm so happy to see you guys, but I should really get going! I'm going to be late!" I say, laughing. Sarah and Alli are both still on top of me.

"Ooh! We'll come with! We NEED to catch up!" Alli says excitedly as her and Sarah finally stand up.

"Alright, but you're going to have to sit in the audience and not say anything, okay?" I ask, looking at Sarah.

"Okay!" Alli says excitedly. I continue looking at Sarah.

"Sarah...." I say, as Alli nudges her. Sarah sighs.

"I guess I can be quiet," Sarah says, sadly. I laugh as they drop their suitcases.

"Let's go!" I call out, heading into the hallway. We pass a large group of men. I recognize one of them from somewhere. I look at him for a second, trying to remember and I see him do the same.

Soon, Sarah hooks my arm with hers and I see her other arm is hooked around Alli's. They wave to the group and the group waves back. Some of them give me a questioning look. I do the same to them, wondering who they are.

"Let's go, Katie!" Sarah says, yanking me into the elevator. I sigh, then press the lobby button.

~Time Skip~

I slowly walk off the stage, grabbing my water bottle and taking a long drink from it. I hear clapping and I walk to the seats to see Alli and Sarah with happy expressions. I laugh and walk over to them.

"You did great!" Alli says, "when is the real thing?" She adds, glancing down at her phone to check the time.

"In an hour. I have to stay here, and help them set up, though. You guys can go do your thang! You will probably be able to get pretty good seats if you come here like 15, 20 minutes before hand," I say with a shrug.

"Alright. We're going to find the gang and regroup. Then, we'll be right back. Don't you flirting with anyone without me," Sarah says with a wink. I roll my eyes as I watch them walk out.

"Whatever." I mumble to myself, going to help get ready.

I help someone close the curtain, then they tell my it's time for me to get ready, so I get the microphone ready and adjust my wireless mic. I get right in my position. I can hear the crowd talking.

Wow, time went by a lot faster then I thought it would! I hear the announcer announce me (surprise, surprise). Then, the curtains pull open and slowly, the stage lights flicker on. I put my head down and wait for the music to start. I slowly raise my head as I get my cue. My voice rings though the room, and I can feel all eyes on me. I close my eyes for a second, trying to calm myself down so my face doesn't get red. I spot Sarah and Alli waving to me in the crowd. Immediately, I calm down and start moving around on the stage, singing as clear as I could.

"They call me the psycho girl, I'm innocent so it seems.
I give you a smile, and then I ruin your Minecraft dreams.
You're taking your chances when you come on my sever to play.
I'm faster than lightning, moving around all over the place," I sing, walking close to the edge of the stage, waving to Sarah and Alli when I say them.

"HAVE MY BABIES!!" Sarah yelled, almost making me laugh. I ended the first song, smiling as the curtains closed. Applause filled the theater and I flicked the mic off so it wouldn't pic up on my nervous giggle as we all got into position (wow. I have a very dirty mind). Some voice actor said their lines for the beginning. They were sitting on the 'steps' of a 'house.' I flipped the mic back on.

"Look at all the boys.
Lookin' real stupid.
Lookin' like they don't,
Don't know what to do-o," I sing, some of my friends from New York behind me.

"No the boys can't beat me,
And they always fail completely!" I keep on singing, waiting for the music to die down a bit so I can end the song. I finally end it and everyone claps.

"Oh who is that?" I ask, putting emphasis on that. The curtains remain open for this one as a guy friend of mine walks onto stage.

"That's little square face! He's the best fighter in all of Minecraft!" One of my friends says. There are only two standing next to me.

"How's my hair? How's my makeup? Is everything good?" I ask, looking at them.

"Girl, he don't care 'bout your hair, or your makeup. He just care 'bout how you fight!" My other friends says sassily.

"Don't judge me by my hair.
Don't judge me by my clothes.
Don't judge me by face, or the ring that's in nose," I sing. This song is by far my favorite. They have screens that are showing the animated video.

"Yeah I fight, fight, fight, fight like a girl," I sing. After we finish the song and the lines at the end, I look into the audience with a huge grin on my face. As the curtains close, all I can hear is the cheers, which are ringing through the building, I'm sure. The announcer gestures for me to come out with him, so I follow him out.

"Hiii," I say into the mic, waving my hand at the audience.

"And that, ladies and gentlemen was Katie Stinger AKA SweetBee!" The announcer says happily.

"And I will have a panel open later here!" I announce.

"After we clean up, there will be a gaming competition here, and then we will have the Sky Media panel, and then it's SweetBee's panel!" He says. I give one last wave before the late lights go out and we head backstage. I grab my water bottle and head down the stairs, looking for Sarah and Alli.

"Katie!!" Sarah yells. I spin around.

"Yo Sarah, wazzup?" I ask, nonchalantly.

"Told you we know her," Sarah says with a smug smile as she turns back to look at the group of guys behind her. I roll my eyes.

"Anyways, Katie, do you want to go to lunch with us?" Alli asks.

"I guess," I say with a shrug as I follow Sarah.


Wow! Updated both books today! Go Me!! I hope you all like it!! I didn't know about the singing part, because it sounds kinda cliche...... BYYYEEEEE!!!

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