^Chapter 3^

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Katie's POV

I follow Sarah as she walks back to the room.

"Uhh.. I thought we were going to lunch," I say, finally speaking up. Sarah looks back at me as she unlocks the door.

"Yeah, but I needs the moolah first," Sarah says, rushing in to grab her wallet and run back. I roll my eyes as Alli sighs.

"Oh, Sarah. Always unprepared," Alli says, and the large group of men laugh, making me jump.

"Hey! Just because I always forget everything does not mean- never mind," Sarah says, sighing with defeat. We all laugh. "Alright. I'm ready now, let's go!" Sarah says, rushing out of the room and locking the door. I quietly pull Alli aside.

"So, you guys know I don't know any of these people, right?" I whisper. Alli face palms.

"Shoot!" She yells, making a few of the people turn around. One ginger slows down and starts walking by Alli, his face filled with concern.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"We forgot to introduce Katie to everyone!" She responds. All I can hear is a mumble from him. "Oh! Katie, this is Max, my boyfriend," Alli says.

"Hey Max," I say, with a tight smile and small nod.

"Hey," he says.

"So, who is Jimmy?" I ask, looking around.

"Who?" Max asks. Alli sighs.

"She means Tim," Alli says.

"Whatever," I mumble.

"And Tim is by Sarah," Alli says. With a big grin and a nod, I walk up right in between Sarah and 'Tim' and I put my arms around both of their shoulders.

"So," I started. "I heard you two are dating, Jimmy," I say. I can hear Sarah let out a big sigh.

"Not this again, Katie," Sarah groans.

"Not what again?" Tim asks.

"Oh Sarah, save all your moanin' and groanin' for the bedroom," I tell Sarah, my grin reaching from ear to ear.

"It's her 'girl code' that if one of the friends has a boyfriend, the others (or one) has to be mean to said boyfriend. If the boyfriend tries get in said friend's good side, they are a keeper. If not, they are not a keeper," Sarah explains.

"SARAH! Now I can't do it anymore," I whine.

"You can still do it Max," Tim offers. I pull my arms off their shoulders and put my hands on my hips.

"No way! Have you seen him? He could beat the shit out of me! Not like this marshmallow over here," I say gesturing towards Tim.

"He's my roommate, and trust me, he's not bad at all. It's Ross that you don't want to slap you in the face. He dead-armed me before. It hurt," Tim pouts, holding his cheek.

"I still feel like that would not go over very well," I say, glancing back at Alli and Max.

"Ooh! I almost forgot!" Sarah suddenly yells, rushing forward into the front of the group.

"Does she always do that?" I ask, even though I know the answer.

"Yep," Tim replies.

"Where is the YouTube Sensation RedVacktor?" I hear Sarah yell.

"Does yous means the YouTubes Sensator Barneys?" Someone with a weird accent asks.

"No Barney!" Sarah yells. "Where is Red?"

"You called?" Some else replies cheerfully.

"Come here," Sarah says.

"Ow!" The person says. Sarah then reappears, dragging a ginger guy with her.

"Red, meet Katie. Katie, meet Red. Now, go make babies," Sarah says, shoving 'Red' on top of me.

"Is Red your real name?" I ask.

"No. My real name is Michael," he says.

"Cool. Are you a YouTuber?"

"Yeah, RedVacktor. How about you?"

"Yep, SweetBee."

"How did you come up with that?"

"Well, my last name is Stinger, like a Bee, and I guess I just thought it sounded cool. It kinda sounds like Sweet Pea, which was my mom's nickname for me," I say with a shrug.


"Yeah, but not a lot of people know the story. I think I may have said it in one video, but that's it. It's kind of personal to me, I guess."

"Ooh! Looks like you two love birds are hitting it off!" Sarah says, randomly popping up from behind us.

"How did you-" Red starts but I interrupt him.

"Don't ask," I caution, but Red doesn't listen to me.

"How did you do that?" He asks.

"I'm a ninja," Sarah says proudly. I sigh.

"Here we go again," I say.

"No you're not," Red says.

"Did you see that?" Sarah asks.

"See what?" Red asks. I groan.

"Exactly," Sarah answers, walking ahead to go back to her spot.

"How often does she do that?" Red asks.

"All. The. Time." I answer with a sigh.


So sorry that I haven't uploaded like at all! :/. I really hope dat u can forgive me, Reader XP. BYYYEEEEE!!!

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