^Chapter 6^

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Red's POV (For the first time in forever...)

I quickly lead Katie to the stairs, I push open the door, walking up the stairs as fast as possible, making her laugh. I couldn't stand to see her sad, even though I just met her. I had to cheer her up somehow! I lead her to another door, which opens to let a cool rush of air in. The roof.

"Wow, the stars looks so beautiful tonight," Katie says as I sit down on the middle of the roof, and she does the same.

"Yeah...." I say, not looking at the stars, or sky, but rather looking at how they reflect off of her eyes, making them shine brightly. She glances over at me, catching me staring.

"What?" She asks.

"N-Nothing," I say, quickly looking away. "So, what's wrong?" I ask, looking back at her and covering her hand with both of mine. She sighs deeply.

"Well, the reason I was crying is stupid," She says, looking down.

"I'm sure it wasn't," I say, trying to move closer to her.

"Yeah, it was. It's because Connor texted me," she says. My heart drops.

"Oh. Isn't that a good thing?" I ask, looking away.

"No. He's a jerk who thinks he can use me anytime he wants when he's bored," she says. I see her eyes getting watery again, so I let go of her hand and wrap an arm around her, pulling her closer to me in a hug.

"It's okay. If he doesn't treat you right, he's just stupid. Any guys would be lucky to have you," I tell her, getting slightly angry at this 'Connor' guy.

"And then, I have to take time off of work because," she stops and looks up at me for a second. "Sarah's moving in with me," she quickly finishes. I knit my eyebrows in confusion.

"What about Tim?" I ask. She bites her lip.

"Sarah.... Doesn't think that Tim is the one," she says, rushing the last last part out.

"Oh," I say, looking back out. I really thought that those two would last.

"Yeah. Hey, you uh, wanna go inside now? It's kinda cold...." Katie says.

"Oh, uh. Yeah, sure," I say, helping her up, and holding onto her hand as I bring her back to our rooms.

"Thank you, Red. For everything. I really needed that," She says, looking down, then back at me.

"It was no problem, m' lady," I say, doing a little curtsy. She laughs.

"Hey that's my line!" Ross yells from our room, making us both laugh.

"Well, thank you again," Katie says shyly before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek. As soon as she walks inside, I tuck my elbow in.

"Yes!" I whisper, grinning as I basically skip into our room.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Adam asks from where he's sitting in a chair, playing on his phone.

"Nothin'," I say, trying to avoid having Adam asking me questions.

"Well, where were you for so long?" Ross asks.

"Oh, ya know, just chillin'," I answer, hoping they'll back down soon.

"With who?" Barney asks.

"Whaaaaat? I wasn't with anyone," I lie.

"Dude, we could hear you talking to someone," Max chimes in, glancing up from his phone.

"I have no clue what your talking about," I lie again, looking out the window.

"You know that we could hear you talking to Katie, right?" Tim asks, and everyone bursts out laughing while I put my head down as my face gets red. Wow. How ironic.

Katie's POV

I close the door and slide down against it, letting out a deep breath.

"Where were you?" Alli asks, sitting up on her bed.

"Uhh... Out? I thought that you guys could have a little talk by yourselves," I explain.

"Yep. That's why the guys couldn't find Red," Sarah says, giving me a 'look.' I sigh and give her a tiny smile.

"So, we hung out. Sue me," I joke, standing up from the door. Sarah squeals excitedly.

"Oh my gosh that's awesome!" She says, very happily.

"My ship is sailing!" Alli joins in, dancing around the room.

"Nerds," I say, laughing. "Wait, Alli, I thought that you were against the whole shipping thing?"

"Not when it's you and Red!" Alli says. I let out a long sigh, flopping into the bed.

"Guys..." I groan, sitting up and looking at them. They pause their dancing.

"What?" Sarah asks.

"Can we just go to bed? I'm tired.." I complain, flopping back onto the bed.

"Okay. But you should probably put on your pj's," Alli says. I glance down at what I'm wearing and let out a sigh. She's right. I should probably get changed. With yet another load sigh, I get up and head to my suitcase.

"Crap," I mutter under my breath. "Hey guys? How many pairs of pj's did you guys bring?" I ask, digging through my suitcase.

"I sleep in shorts and a sports bra," Sarah says, strutting around in said attire.

"I packed two. One for tonight and one for tomorrow night," Alli says.

"Yeah, so I packed one for last night. And that's all," I say, heading back to the bed and flopping in it again.

"Well, why don't you just grab a pair of shorts, and boom! Instant pajamas!" Sarah says, using her hands to make explosion signs. I sigh.

"Well, I would if I had any shorts, but all mine are fancy ones!" I explain. Sarah snorts.

"Here," she says, throwing me a pair of workout shorts, "wear these," she says, and I do as she says, putting on her shorts.

"Boom," Alli repeats, "pajamas." She adds as she tiredly climbs into bed, Sarah and me following suit.


Okay... So I decided that this would be my 'maybe publish' day, and I thought why not? BYYYEEEEE!!!

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