^Chapter 4^

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Katie's POV

Sarah sits down on one end of the lunch table. I move to sit next to her, but Time gets there first. Even worse, Alli gets in next, and I move to follow, but Max gets there first! I guess I'll sit on the other side, across from Sarah. I glance and all the seats have been taken except for one in between Red and someone I don't know. With a sigh, I plop down next to him.

"Wow, you're really excited to sit next to me," Red says sarcastically.

"Oh, it's a dream of mine," I joke, equally sarcastic. The guy on the other side of me laughs.

"Oh, it's every girls dream to sit next to the YouTube Sensation RedVacktor," he says, still laughing. I give him a questioning look.

"You're a YouTube Sensation?" I ask, turning back to Red.

"The one and only," he says, proudly throwing me wink. To which he get "playful" shove.

"Ohh... Red just got shoved by a girl," the guy sitting next to me says. Pretty soon, I'm rudely shoved out of my chair and onto the floor when I get a great idea. I close my eyes and pretend like I passed out or something.

"Uhh Katie?" Red asks.

"Is she okay?" The guy sitting on my other side asks.

"Do I look like I know, Adam?" Red ask sarcastically. So, that guy must be Adam, Sarah and Alli's boss.

"Sorry," Adam mutters.

"Dude, what happened to Katie?" Sarah asks.

"I don't know! I gave her a little shove, and she fell out of her chair! It looks like she's passes out," Red explains.

"Oh jeez. This is just like 8th grade!" A worried Alli exclaims, and I can tell by light footsteps that she's coming over to me. Oh no! Not good! NOT GOOD! Now, they're probably going to explain what happened in 8th grade! No!

"What happened in 8th grade?" Who I think is Max asks.

"She-" I suddenly, sit up fast, scaring everyone.

"Hey! I'm okay! Yay!" I say.

"You were faking it?" Alli asks.

"I wanted to scare people," I mutter, sitting in my chair as Alli walks back to her spot.

"So, what did happen in 8th grade?" Max asks again, and I shoot him a death glare.

"She-" Alli starts.

"Alli!" I interrupt. "I don't think now is a good time for that."

"Oh, we have got to tell the story! It's hilarious!" Sarah says. I put my head down on the table with a groan.

"Noo!" I groan.

"So, basically, Katie had this huge crush on this guy. His name was Connor Kent," Alli starts the story, and I can already feel my face start to heat up (any Young Justice fans?).

"And then, one day at lunch, he sat by her and was like, 'Hey, you wanna go out sometime?' And Katie's face was priceless. Her eyes were bugging out and stuff. After awhile, she still hadn't said anything, and he was like, 'Are you okay?' And then-" Sarah continues the story.

"Can you please not say what happened next? The story is embarrassing as is," I say with a sigh.

"Fine," Sarah says.

"Thank you," I say, relived.

"And then she fainted. In front of the whole school. And Connor Kent," Sarah quickly says. I hear laughter from around the table.

"In my defense, we did date Freshman year to Senior year. We only broke up because we were going different places," I say.

"Where was he going?" Red asks, interested.

"Somewhere in Washington," I answer. "And I went to New York." (Foreshadowing AF).

"So, what do you do in the big apple?" Adam asks.

"Eh. I intern at DC Comics and make videos. Oh, I also take few classes here and there," I say.

"DC eh? Why do you intern there?" The only person I don't know asks.

"I've always loved DC. It started with Batman and just grew from there I guess. By the way, who are you?" I ask.

"Oh, I'm Ross." He says. I nod. So this must be the person that Sarah has weekly meetings with about shipping.

"Well, we better get to our panel. It's supposed to start in 15 minutes," Adam says.

"What's your panel?" I ask.

"Sky Media," Alli says excitedly. "You're on right after ours!"

"Well, I was hoping that Sarah and Alli could join mine?" I say, more like a question.

"Wow. Two panels? Aren't we popular?" Sarah jokes to Alli. I roll my eyes.

"I just don't want to go up there alone. I was going to have most of the people I record with," I explain.

"So... Us, and who else?" Sarah asks.

"Two of my friends, Tyler and Amber," I say casually.

"Guys! We like, seriously have to get going!" Adam says, getting up and rushing out, making sure everyone was following him. I shrug and wander into the audience, hoping to get a good seat.

The curtains open to a two couches, and slowly, the announcer announces everyone. That all sit on two different couches, Sarah stretching her legs out so she takes up the whole couch. After they're all situated, they check they're mics, making sure that everyone can hear them.

"Hey guys!" Adam yells. He claps his hands together. "Today, we will be doing something completely different that Burney will be explaining."

"Hellos!" 'Burney' says with a strange accent. "Todays, we wills be doings the in reals life hides and seeks! Reds, takes it froms heres."

"Thank you, Barney. So, we will have two seekers and six hiders!" We will also call up random audience members to join in!" Red explains. So, I'm guessing that that guy's name is actually Barney.

"Let's get started!" Adam says, and the screen behind him lights up.

"The seekers are: Sarah and Max. And the rest are hiders!" Alli speaks up. Sarah and Max cover their eyes and face the wall.

"Why are there no sausages here?" Adam yells and the audience laughs. Must be an inside joke or something. He ends up hiding behind on of the curtains. Red instantly runs over to me.

"So, how's it going?" He asks, sitting in the empty spot next to me. Alli runs and sits in the other. I grab a big hat from my bag and give it to Alli. I hand Red a wig and sunglasses. The whole crowd bursts out laughing. The screen flashes 'Seekers Are Now Released.'

Max instantly finds Adam.

"Fun fact, if you call out 'YouTube Sensation' 3 times, RedVacktor will appear," Adam says.

"YouTube Sensation, YouTube Sensation, YouTube Sensation!" The crowd yells, and Red disappears from my side, sneaking up to the stage.

"You called?" Red asks, suddenly popping up.


I feel like that would be something they would do.... Idk. I'm trying to stay on the schedule I came up with:

Sunday: Work Day
Monday: Seeing Red (Max_Is_Sad)
Tuesday: My Sunshine
Wednesday: Seeing Red
Thursday: My Sunshine
Friday: Work Day
Saturday: Might Upload/ Work Day


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