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I was scared. No, more like terrified. I had no idea what was going on. The only thing he said was,"Everything is going to hopefully work out and I won't have to hurt you."

I was looking out of the window and thinking what he meant by hurt me. I never met him. Why would he hurt me. He threw me a bottle of water. I really did not want to drink it, because what if he drugged me. I guess he knew what I was thinking.

"I did nothing to the water, just drink it. You need to stay hydrated."

I took a small sip, I didn't want to drink anything or eat. I wanted to be home, home in Logan's arms. I wanted to understand why this was happening to me. Or what was happening to me, I at least wanted to know something. I started to really doubt that a kidnapper would tell me anything.

I started to fall asleep and I don't know how. I didn't want to be awake or asleep so I didn't know what to do, so I let my body fall asleep. I saw Logan, I saw him and I started to run to him. I kept running to him.

I started screaming his name. Why was he going farther away? I know he saw me. I needed him. I started to cry, I couldn't stand anymore so I collapsed on the floor. I hugged my knees. I looked around and I had no idea where I was. Did I escape, did he let me go?

Then I looked up and Logan was there. He said," Hey, stop crying. I promise everything is going to be okay. I will save you. I will find you and I will never let you go, but for now Zoey fight him. Fight him as best as you possible can, and don't forget I love you."

I looked at him, I was confused. I thought I escape. By the time I tried asking him he disappeared. Something was pulling me, and the next thing I remember my eyes flung open and I was face to face with my kidnapper.

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I had to be strong, but all I could think about was that dream. Maybe Logan won't ever come for me. He may just find someone else and I'll just be stuck here forever, or I get killed here. I hated this. I felt so helpless, so lost. I wonder if my parents knew.

I kept trying to understand how I got into this situation. Maybe Heather sent people to kill me, I knew that wasn't it but I was trying to think of something. My kidnapper and I were walking down this dust road and I was tired of having no answers.

"I want answers, I want to know why you are doing this to me. I am pretty sure I have done nothing to be kidnapped and have the chance of being murdered."

He stiffened when I said that. I could tell he wasn't very happy I was asking questions.

"So here is an easy question for you, who the hell are you."

"My name is Evan."

"Evan, why are you doing this to me?"

He sighed,"I didn't have a choice. Look Zoey. I wish I didn't have to do this to you, but all I can say is this is happening because of Logan."

I looked at him with tears in my eyes. I was so confused.

"Please, tell me. What did Logan do?"

"You'll find out soon enough, but I'll say this Logan really pissed off the wrong people and now they are hurting him and the only way to hurt him is by doing this to you. Now I've said way more than I should. Also anyways we are here."

Here, was a little cabin in the middle of nowhere. The cabin looked old but also looked really nice and pretty. What am I even saying, I'm being taken to this taken to be hurt.

We walked up to the front door and he knocked. Some guy opened it and he saw me and let us in.

"Evan, I'm pretty sure the boss will be very happy you got her especially with no mess ups."

Evan just nodded his head and lead me to this door. Once he opened the door it was so dark. He flipped on the light, and pushed me to go down. I started to walk down the stairs and I looked up at him and he mouthed to me "I'm sorry."

He shut the door and I heard him lock it. I walked down the stairs and looked around the room. It was small, cold and empty. There was a mattress on the floor and a few blankets. I sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands and I just started crying. I just wanted to go home. I wanted out of this.

I started to think this is Logan's fault somehow. If Logan didn't do whatever he did I wouldn't of been kidnapped, I wouldn't of been in this situation. I didn't know what to do. I love him, but somehow he keeps hurting me. Maybe we weren't meant to be.

My head was killing me and my vision started to get all blurry so I decided to lay down. I was shaking, it was so cold down here. Everything is starting to be so confusing. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped myself in it and tried to get warm but it wasn't really helping.

I started to drift into sleep hoping it would help get rid of my headache. I was about to be asleep until I heard the door creak open. I was terrified. It probably wasn't Evan, it was probably someone else who would cause harm to me.

I sat up and wrapped my arms around my legs while the person continued to walked down the stairs. I finally saw the persons face and I didn't know how I felt.

"Hey Zoey, did you miss me?"

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