01; conditions

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   In the dark alley of a bar and grill in a small town in Virginia, Paige Deveraux found herself sunken against a wall on the rocky ground. Holding her wrist painfully, she bit on her lip to feel something other than her bite's pain. On her wrist, was a growing bite, spreading slowly, looking more infected and revolting by the minute.

   As a vampire, she told herself her number one rule had been to not get bitten. There was but one cure, yet it almost impossible to retrieve. Retrieving the blood from the hybrid was one of the things laying in her mind but she had no plan to achieve it. Even so, she only had a few hours left, and her head already felt woozy, her hunger raising over the bar.

   "In a bit of a struggle, love?" Somebody spoke in the shadows.

  Paige's eyes reverted down the alley where a figure stood looming in the darkness. She barely had the state of mind, or health to form words.

   "Don't speak, sweets, I got you," the masculine voice continued stepping forward.

   Her eyes widened at the face of the figure, who was none other than the hybrid himself. How he had managed to find her, or even hear about her seemed incredulous to Paige.

   In a split second he was by her side, crouching down. He bit into his wrist, and before shoving it in her mouth, spoke, "under one condition, love. I don't usually give my blood out, but I think you have potential. If I let you drink, you will stay with me and follow my orders."

   She nodded weakly, not even giving a second thought to the request. The only thing on her mind was sinking her teeth in his wrist to heal herself. Klaus pressed his wrist to her lips at her agreement, and she grabbed on, her teeth biting into his skin. After receiving a fair amount, she let go, and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

   It took her a good few minutes to recover, but when she did, she stood up. She staggered to the left, and Klaus grabbed her arm as she plummeted into darkness.

BEAUTIFUL ONES - ELENA GILBERTWhere stories live. Discover now