I can get her

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OmG i know i have to update iwaoi buuuut the whole story is crap and i cant write shit and life sucks. jk jk, if i manage to come up with a proper ending then ill update it but that might take a while bc we all know how incredibly creative i am. not. anyways gonna start writing oikawa x reader oneshots now so ye, and yes my puncuation is always this bad, ill try , its a little long There is also gonna be 2 parts to this


The sound of balls being slammed and shoes screeching against the wooden floor echoed throughout the gymnasium as the boys of Aoba Johsai practiced for the up-coming  tournament. This is a special tournament for the third years as it will be their last.

Oikawa set the ball to the ace, who then perfectly spiked it onto the other side of the court, "Nice kill Iwaizumi!"Matsukawa exclaimed whacking Iwaizumi in the back causing him to slightly flinch. Oikawa set the ball once more although it didn't end up on the other side of the net, instead it just fell on the floor. The third years looked around a little noticing a few members of the team weren't on there.

"What the hell do you think your doing?!" Iwaizumi scolded from the court at the three giggling males who were far to busy looking through a magazine type book then training. Oikawa sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Now, now Iwa-chan," The brunette chuckled, "Let the awesome-incredibly good looking captain sort this out~!" Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes looking at his watch.

"Whatever practice is pretty much over anyway..." He muttered.

"Hey, hey~" The captain chimed walking over to the three males. The three instantly flinched, shut the booklet closed and covered it with one of their other magazines as the he approached them, unfortunately, it probably wasn't the best magazine to have used. As the brunette made his way to the three he stopped and gasped in mock terror.

"THESE NAUGHTY BOYSSS ARE LOOKING AT POOORRRNNN!!!!" He exclaimed pointing at the magazine covering the booklet, the gym fell into an instant silence as the rest of the team stared over at them. The three looked down at the magazine they used and their faces instantly turned into a dark shade of red. It was a catalogue filled with young women posing in colourful bikinis.

"Th-that wasn't what we were looking at..." Kunimi finally admitted taking out the booklet underneath.

"Ehh?? What's that?" Oikawa asked looking at the booklet then turning his attention back to the fallen magazine with a smirk.

"It's just got everyone's school photos in it." Yahaba answered picking the magazine back up.

"Kinda a bad cover up." Oikawa chuckled, eyes following the magazine as Yahaba stuffed it under his shirt. "Why where you looking at school photos anyway?"

"Well..." Kunimi started.


The bell indicating the end of the day rang as the once empty hallway was suddenly flooded with teenagers. Thankfully (y/n) had a locker a little away from everyone else's so it wasn't usually crowed. Usually. To (y/n)'s surprise as she slowly made her way to her locker she noticed a certain brunette leaning against it along with his group of fan-girls surrounding him. And her locker.

"Excuse me-" (y/n) tried to push through the fan girls only to be shoved onto the ground.

"Oikawa-sama how are you feeling about your tournament?"

"Yeah! You guys are definatley going to win!"

"For sure!"

"Oikawa-san can you take a picture with me?!"

"Me too!"

'Just great...' (y/n) thought to herself as she started picking up her books from the floor.

"Sorry girls, not today~" The brunette answered in a half chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck.


"But Oikawa-san!!"

"We'll see you tomorrow!!"


"Bye!" Oikawa smiled waving goodbye to the group of leaving girls. "Are you okay?" He asked holding his hand out in front of (y/n). (y/n) finished gathering up all her books, her heart raced for a second as she took his hand and he helped her up. A small tint of red formed in her cheeks as the brunette continued to stare dreamy-eyed at her.

"Umm... Can I help you with something?" (y/n) finally asked taking out her bag.

"You walk home right?" Oikawa asked ignoring her question. (y/n) slightly nodded closing her locker. "How about I walk you home?"

(y/n) flinched at the sudden question but shook her head, "I'm fine walking myself." she stated as she began walking off. Oikawa blinked a few times at her response before running after her.

"Waittt~ (y/n)-chann~~~" The brunette whined making his way by her side, "It's the least I can do for causing you to fall like that earlier~"

(y/n) groaned a little, tucking her (h/c) hair behind her ear. "Whatever." she mumbled.


"So what kinda things do you like doing (y/n)-chan??" Oikawa, who was now carrying both of their bags, asked as they made their way to (y/n)'s house.

"I dunno not much, eat, sleep." (y/n) replied blankly.

Oikawa giggled, "You're cute, (y/n)-chan~"

"Baka..." she mumbled.

"Y'know most of my fan girls would practically die to have me walk them home~" The brunette stated, feeling a little proud of himself.

"Well then i guess i'm not 'most of your fan girls'." (y/n) replied. Oikawa knew that from the beginning, he liked that about her.

"Well this is my house." (y/n) said, stopping. Oikawa stopped as well and handed her her bag.

"Soo what time do you leave here in the morning?" He asked.


"I wanna know what time to pick you up."

"U-um... i leave at (time you leave for school or just a random time).. but you don-"

"Great! I'll cya then! Bye (y/n)-chann~"



Several days had past since Oikawa started walking (y/n) to and from school and today, he decided, would be the day he finally does it. Finally asks her out.

"Hey (y/n)-chann~!" Oikawa cheerfully exclaimed rushing up to her. Said girl turned around to see Oikawa's gleeful face.

"What is it Oikawa?" She groaned.

"Let's go on a date after school!" He said excitedly.

"Wh-what?! No way!" She refused looking away to try and hide her pink face.

"Whhyyyyy (y/n)-channn!??" Oikawa whined.

"Because. I don't date trash."

Oikawa frowned, "Now you sound like iwa-chan... Please just one date?"

She sighed, "Fine... Only one."

"YAYAYAY, so ill pick you up at 8?" he smirked.

"Yeah whatever..."

"Yessssss!" The childish brunette exclaimed skipping down the hallway.

To be continued, I was gonna do one chapter ones but this went on for to long and they haven't even went out yet!  jeez i suck, anywayss part 2 will come out who knows when. I mean, I get prettttty busy.... busy like, playing pokemon, instagram... eating.... staring at my husbands... Important stuff like that so i dunno when but hopefully soon! as for the others yeah dunno, please comment ideas for one shots!!

thank youu

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