I can get her III

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"What do you mean can't come to shops with us after school?!" (bf/n) exclaimed as (y/n) shoved her books in her locker.

"Sorry, but i'm gonna go see one of Oikawa's practice matches today." (Y/n) replied.

"Does he know you're coming to watch?"

"Nope~ I wanna surprise him!"

"Geez... Fine, but you have to come tomorrow okay?" (bf/n) said in a sigh, "Have fun and cya tomorrow then."

"Bye, you too!" And with that the two parted ways (y/n) making her way into the gym. Secretly.


"Nice kill kunimi!"

"Nice receive!"

"One more, one more!"


As the boys practiced (y/n) couldn't believe her eyes. 'Oikawa looks so hot when he's focused!' (y/n) thought to herself as she watched the brunette setter set the ball to each of the spikers.

"Alright time to pack it up!"


"Thanks coach!"

The team began to pack up all their equipment, (y/n) noticed Oikawa, along with a few other members headed into the locker room. With excitement in her eyes she quickly followed.   

 (She was excited about getting to talk to Oikawa, not the fact that they were probably changing just to clarify) 

"So Oikawa-san, how's it goin with (y/n)?" A male voice coming from the locker room asked causing (y/n) to stop in her tracks. She tip-toed a little closer to the room, to hear what they were saying.

"Pretty good~" A familiar voice replied quite gleefully.

"So i guess it's true, the famous Oikawa really can get any girl he wants, ahaha." Another voice chimed in. (y/n)'s stomach felt as though she had just been punched.

"Aha, well... I guess but she's actually-"

"Well I suppose since you won the bet.." 

-Flash back-

"Kinda a bad cover up." Oikawa chuckled, eyes following the magazine as Yahaba stuffed it under his shirt. "Why where you looking at school photos anyway?"

"Well..." Kunimi started. "We were looking through pictures of all the girls and deciding which ones we'd like to date, y'know? Well anyway, we were just saying how nobody could really win (y/n)'s heart. I mean she's so closed off and always ignores me.."

"Hmm, well i am 'the' Oikawa Tooru, the most charming, handsome, amazin-"

"I'll bet you couldn't make her say yes to one date. One date."

"Challenge accepted." 

'bet'? (y/n) couldn't believe her ears. 'It... was all just some silly bet?' Tears formed in her eyes as she ran out of the gym, her heart felt twisted. Her mind was racing with thoughts and emotions. Iwaizumi's eyes followed the crying girl as she left, confused, he walked into the locker room to see what had happened.

"Hey trashykawa!" Iwaizumi yelled.

"Huh? Iwa-chan why do you always have to be so mean~~?" The brunette whined.

"You seriously have to stop upsetting all your fan girls like that, dumbass."

"What do you mean I didn't say anything to any of them."

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