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The stage was wide, it felt so hot under all the lights that beamed down from every angle of the stage. Louis sucked in a breath, tried to steady the thrum of butterflies in his stomach and focused on his lyrics. Niall was warming up, but Liam was cracking jokes and the two laughed manically as their excitement took over. 

Louis swallowed the lump in his throat, he looked to his left and saw his four band mates, best friends. They each stood in front of a microphone, each buzzing with explosive energy and nerves. The tension and excitement that swelled between them was palpable. The crowd cheered as the curtain lifted and everything began, the music swelled and screams erupted so loud Louis couldn't hear himself think.

Fame and fortune was flung upon the five boys after they won a talent contest on television one year earlier. Each of them strangers, put together to make one of the worlds most successful boy bands in history. They won awards, appeared at every major event and flew all over the world.

One moment nervous singers, about to make an appearance on live television in the hopes of striking it big. Louis was confident that none of them expected they would ever hit the heights they did.

One year of the unimaginable and they were like brothers, families and friends left behind as they embarked on their first world tour. Louis glanced at Harry, the dimpled brunette and his best friend, who winked at him. His stomach twisted with delight, his heart hammered behind his ribcage. 

They began to sing, he moved to the music with ease but it was hard to keep his mind focused on the task. As the lights on stage swam with colour, strobed erratically to the beat of the drums Louis' eyes darted to Harry, once more. His stomach fluttered when he watched his friend perform, every lyric turned into art as it escaped Harry's lips.

Friend, the word swam through his mind as he tried not to think about it... about Harry.

Louis sang the chorus, hit all his notes with a wide smile on his face. He worked the crowd, dancing and winking at screaming fans. He joined in with Isaiah, did a backflip off the drums in unison with Niall but avoided looking at Harry. Stay focused, his mind taunted.

Being so close with these boys, travelling all over the world and losing all privacy was tough. Leaving his friends behind, school and job was also a huge challenge. But, that wasn't Louis' only problem.

Hiding his sexuality for the sake of the bands success, that was what kept him up at night. Because you're in love with Harry and you know it, he closed his eyes as the song finished and the crowd went into complete hysteria. He was thankful for the noise, the lights and sounds helped block out his feelings and thoughts. When Louis was on stage, he was free.

Behind closed curtains, he was suffocating in the truth. 

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