Chapter 1

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Once the screaming subsided the boys completed an encore and danced the entire time, fireworks shot from the stage shrouding them in red, glittering flames. The sound from the audience was deafening, the floor rumbled and phone screens glittered like stars among the bodies that moved to the beat.

Harry swiped the sweat from his forehead and as he sung his final line caught a glimpse of Louis staring at him. His stomach tightened and he looked away, there was no doubt in his mind Louis was looking at him, only him.

Harry felt conflicted, he closed his eyes and raised the microphone in his hand to the sky. "Thank you London, we love you!" He called.

The crowd went insane, he beamed wildly at them as Niall told them a stupid joke and Liam laughed hysterically. "See you again soon," Niall promised the hysterical audience.

One by one they ran to the back of the stage and disappeared into squares cut out in the floor. Harry held his breath and he jumped and landed onto a large piece of foam. He let out a 'whoop' and smiled at the team of security waiting below.

"That was wild!" Niall shouted to the boys as he climbed off the foam.

Harry laughed, he swiped sweat from his face and walked towards the back of the room towards two red double doors. At the doors he looked at Louis, smiled and felt his stomach twist again. His heart raced overtime he met Louis' eyes, he didn't understand the pull that he felt whenever he was around Louis. Nor did he understand the way his body had no reaction to the fans that fawned all over him, the nudes they would shamelessly send and the unfathomable things they promised to do to him if they ever got him alone. You're gay, just admit it, his mind would taunt.

Harry walked through the red doors and some of the staff lounged around on plush sofas. A table to his left was spread with food and alcohol, with sweets and bottles of water. Niall made a beeline past Harry, threw his sweaty t-shirt to the floor and began wolfing down Doritos'.

"You'd think he'd never had a meal in his life," Zayn laughed and pointed to Niall. He walked straight to a television set up with playstation and picked up a controller. "He never stops eating," He huffed.

"Yes I do!" Niall replied with a mouthful. He waved a finger, "You're just jealous of my glorious physique and metabolism."

Zayn rolled his eyes, "Yes, that must be my problem."

"Oi, oi!" Louis called as he strutted into the room.

"Your backflip!" Liam bounded to Louis and put him in a headlock. "You're one crazy son of a bitch," he laughed as he ran his clenched fist through Louis' short, brown hair.

"Get off me you big idiot!" Louis grumbled.

Harry laughed, he looked away from the boys and picked up a bottle of water. He eyed the label on the bottle, deep in thought. Harry decided he needed to go out and he needed to hook up with some girls, you're gay, you're gay, you're gay! He shook his head, "No."

"What?" Niall said as he licked the chip flavouring off his fingers.

Harry shook his head, "Nothing, just talking to myself."

Louis strutted over, he smiled brightly at the two and put his arm around Niall. "What say we go out?"

"Celebrate?" Niall asked.

"Yeah," Louis winked directly at Harry. "Let's go and celebrate," Louis said with a smirk, his arm stayed wrapped around Louis was looking directly at Harry.

Niall continued eating and oblivious to the look in Louis eyes. Harry swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry. "Sounds good to me," Niall said.

Zayn laughed and his eyes never left the television screen as he said, "if Valerie even lets us leave the fucking hotel."

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