Chapter 3

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The feeling - Justin Bieber (Feat. Halsey)

I'm standing on the Borderline

When Luke arrives outside the Grand the paparazzi flood around the car like vultures, their cameras shoved against the tinted windows. People line the streets, some smoking and staggering from too much alcohol. Some lined up outside the club, women with dark tans and short skirts. Their heels as sharp as daggers, hair straight and shining.

Some people in the queue turn their heads to van, curious to see which a-lister will walk out of the car. Other people don't bother to look at the van, to be in the queue for The Grand they have to have money or status. It's an exclusive club, run by some unknown a-listers that gain more profit from the high profilers that grace the dance floor and pose for photos at the front door.

Harry jumps from the car, the cameras flash so quickly he's almost blinded. He offers a wide smile that crease the dimples in his cheeks and waves to the paparazzi.

They don't have to join the queue, guards rush over from the velvet rope and grab the boys' arms. One guard helps Zayn from the front seat who already has slurred words and sea legs.

He slings an arm around the guard, "You're the best, pal!" There's a bit of beer spilled on his white t-shirt, his black leather jacket is falling off his shoulder as he throws his head back and laughs. "Going to be a stellar night, lads!"

The guard chuckles and helps Zayn through the crowd, "Come on, let's get you inside."

Liam jumps from the car, adjusts his snapback and puts an arm around Louis. They smile and pull faces for the Paparazzi, ignoring all the shouting and questions. They learned, long ago, to tune out the hollering and accusations. Of all the group, Louis found it the most difficult to hold his tongue and not lose his temper.

'Is it true some of you are gay?' 'are you hiding your sexuality from the media because you're afraid of losing money?' and 'Liam is it true you got a teenager impregnated?'

Liam let's out a laugh and blows them a kiss, "And a good evening to you, too."

Louis is seething, his hands clenched in fists. "I'm so fucking–"

Liam cuts him off, "I know you are, but we're out for a good night and not to watch you punch some random guy and make headlines, isn't that right?"

Louis narrows his eyes, "But I want to punch them."

"But you're not going to... are you?"

Louis watches Harry step beyond the velvet ropes, his mouth suddenly dry. "No, I won't." Not tonight, his mind is often so irritatingly rational.

Liam slaps Louis' chest, "That's a good boy. Let's go have some fun."

As soon as Louis steps over the threshold music slams into him, the sound almost bursting his eardrums. The bass so heavy he can feel his ribcage reverberating, the club is already a buzz with conversation and laughter.

The floor is polished, dark wood and on the far right of the club is a wide bar. An enormous chandelier washed with blue lights hangs above the bar, the staff moving their bodies to the music as they mix drinks.

Louis walks through the crowd, feeling a sense of relief to be away from the flashing cameras. In The Grand there is a strict no photos, videos or any form of cameras allowed. Anyone caught will be thrown out and have their cameras taken, until all photos have been removed. It even goes so far as to warn patrons they will seek legal action for a breach of privacy, they took it seriously. It was part of the allure for clientele, especially the boys to know they were safe.

Their entire lives were in front of cameras, phones and the media. They often felt suffocated, unable to do anything without being scrutinised, it was hard to grow up in front of the world. Louis knew that more than anyone else, his mother died during their first summer tour. He also faced the constant dilemma of his sexuality, the boys and their management the only ones who knew about his past.

Louis was gay, he was open about it but the managers did not allow this to be made public knowledge. Louis assumed they wanted it kept quiet, for his own sake but sometimes he wasn't so sure.

Harry leant against the bar, the granite a shiny black that almost looked like liquid metal. He stood with his arm around Niall, they were deep in conversation. Louis felt a pang of jealousy that twisted in his stomach, he waltzed over to join them. Louis secretly hoped that Harry was over whatever was making him act weird, hoped he could have his best friend back.

"Well, well," Louis said and put an arm around Harry. "What's your poison tonight?"

Harry stiffened, turned his head and his face was inches from Louis'. Louis stared at Harry's plump lips, Harry stared back for a brief moment and neither moved.

Niall, the bumbling idiot he was pushed them apart and declared they each have a shot. "Would you look at the legs on that girl," Niall gestured to the bartender. Her thick red hair twisted into a loose bun on the top of her head, her shorts tight against her creamy skin.

"Niall, you're drooling again." Liam laughed, he pretended to wipe the drool from Niall's chin. "Didn't your mother ever tell you it was rude to stare?"

Niall rolled his eyes, puffed out his chest and sent the bartender a winning smile. "Bet you I'll pull the best girl tonight," he hissed to Zayn.

Zayn raised an eyebrow, "Fuck off."

"Bet you I will," Niall said again as he winked at the girl.

"You're on." Zayn replied, they quickly high-five and laugh.

Louis turns to talk to Harry, "So I was thinking–"

"I... I love this song!" Harry shouts over the music and laughs nervously. He runs his slender fingers through his thick curls, turns to the bar and snatches two shots from Niall.

"Hey–" Niall shouts, "They're mine!" He sounds like a petulant child, "get your own, Styles."

Harry shrugs and throws the vodka shots down in quick succession, doesn't meet Louis' eyes again and follows Liam into the crowd.

"What the hell was that greedy bastard thinking?" Zayn slaps his forehead with a dopey laugh.

Louis watches Harry leave, "I was just thinking the same thing." He stares at Harry's retreating figure feeling confused and frustrated.

Niall is still glaring at Harry who just stole his shots, he goes to grab one with an excited smile and raises it to his lips. "Cheers!"

Louis takes the shot, swallows it and slams the glass onto the granite bar.

"You fucking serious?" Niall screams.

Louis shoots him a wicked grin, "Thanks, I needed that."

Zayn is laughing so loudly it can be heard over the booming music.

Louis, too, laughs to himself as the vodka burns his throat. Fine have it your way. He decides if Harry doesn't want him, he doesn't want Harry either.

Two can play at this game. 

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