First threats

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I still don't own Merlin.
I hope you enjoy this next chapter.

When practice was over, Merlin made a bath for Arthur. Complaining all the way. His muscles were sore and he still could hear clinging in his head. He groaned while he emptied the last bucket of warm water into the tub.
"Don't be such a girl, Merlin." the King said jokingly. The boy rolled his eyes at his master.
"Prat" he breathed out silently and helped him out of the armor and into the bathtub.

The rest of the day went on just like most of their days went. Merlin did his chores and Arthur looked at papers and other important things he had to take care of now he was king. All the while keeping their banter going. In the evening there was a special dinner planned to celebrate the new knights. Merlin helped his King in his fine evening clothes and washed up himself.
"Can you move any slower, you lazy idiot?"
"I would be quicker if you hadn't use me like a punching bag this morning, you clotpole!"
Arthur grinned and punched his servant on the arm. "Ease up, will you."
The raven haired boy grunted and rubbed his arm. "Yeah, that's going to help." he said sarcastically.
"You're such a girl's petticoat." the royal said, shaking his head. "Come on, we're going to be late, again." The young man followed him out of the room and towards the great hall where the banquet would be served.

The evening went well until a certain servant managed to stumble over his own feet and spill the wine he had been carrying, all over the table.
"Merlin! Buffoon!" Arthur called out. Gwaine, Lancelot, Elyan, Leon and Percival turned their heads towards the front of the table when they heard their King shout. When they saw what the commotion was about they started to laugh loudly.
"Sorry about that." Merlin said with a grin on his face. The King just rolled his eyes at his manservant. Another servant had already come forward to clean up the mess that was made while the secret warlock went to refill his pitcher. When he came back to the table he was called over by Gwaine and for the second time that day he got to listen to one of the man's many stories. He forgot about his duties for that evening and just enjoyed the conversation he was having with his friends. Arthur frequently looked at him, smiling a little, fond smile. He didn't mind the fact that his servant wasn't attending to him really. It was obvious that he was happy and that's all the young King wanted for his friend. (He would never say something like that aloud though and would deny it if they ever asked him.)
From the other side of the room were three pair of eyes keeping a careful watch on the insolent youth. Sirs Ulrick, Thomas and Ethan were less than happy about what they saw. Something had to change and they were going to make sure it did.

Later that evening, when Merlin was returning tohis own room, he felt a strong hand grabbing him by his right arm and he gotpulled into an alcove. Before he knew what was happening, a large hand coveredhis mouth and he got pushed against a wall.
"Not a sound!" an unknown voice whisper shouted. He felt the hand leave hismouth and wanted to ask what was happening but before he could get the questionout he got backhanded.
"Not. a. sound." the stranger whispered again, danger clearly in his voice.Merlin blinked a few times until his eyes adjusted to the darkness. He nowrecognized the three knights that were standing in front of him. Sir Ulrick wasstill holding on to his arm. He could feel the man's tight grip. That's goingto leave a bruise, he thought silently. Sir Ethan had been the one to speak tohim, so it seemed and Sir Thomas was just standing there, at his left side, lookingat him. Their eyes were full of hatred and anger. The young man shrunk undertheir stares and couldn't help but shiver slightly. For a second he thoughtabout using his magic but he quickly pushed that thought away. It was a stupididea, using magic against the knights. Arthur would find out immediately and hewould sure end up dead. Or at least banished. The King would hate him and thatwas something he wouldn't be able to live with. No, magic was out of thequestion.
"We couldn't help but notice the way you behave towards the knights." sirThomas said. His voice sounded calm but Merlin could easily hear the restrainedanger lingering in his tone.
"Not to speak about your behavior towards our King!"
"Who do you think you are, talking to them like that. Acting like you're theirfriend, like you're on equal footing with them."
"You're nothing but a servant!"
Merlin bit his lip. He knew that he shouldn't listen to them. He was theirfriend, he was sure of that.
"Here's what's going to happen." sir Ethan said. "You get the chance to change theway you behave. We want you to act like a decent servant. You will not talkunless you are spoken to and if we hear you make any insult, whatsoever, wewill find you." the knight threatened.
"Do I make myself clear?"
The raven haired man didn't answer. He stared at the ground and wished he wassomewhere else. However, he wasn't anywhere else but in the dark alcove,surrounded by three, largely build man. He became quickly aware of that whensir Ethan took his shoulders into a strong grip and shook him violently. Hishead hit the wall behind him and he groaned softly.
"I said, do I make myself clear!?"
"Yes... yes, sir." Merlin answered and the ruff knight pushed him hard againstthe wall.
"You're dismissed." he growled. Sir Ulrick let go of his arm and he scurriedout of the alcove.
"Ooh and servant, not a word to anyone about this. Or you'll wish you werenever born!"
Merlin made a bow with his head and ran all the way to his chambers. He ignored Gaius, who was for some reason still awake, and went immediately to his bed. He curled himself up into a ball and tried not to think about all that just had happened.He promised himself he was not letting it get to him. He would ignore those lowlife knights and their stupid threats. They were wrong anyway. Arthur, Gwaine, Lancelot, Leon, Elyan and Percival were his friends. He knew they were. Weren't they?    


Second chapter!
Hope you like it. Let me know what you think!

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