Weird behavior

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Hey! Guess what! Merlin is......n't mine. Obviously.
Sorry it took me a little bit longer to update today. I went horseback riding in the woods. I tried to ride with one hand (like Merlin does sometimes) and I felt as badass as he looks while doing that. xD
Anyway, thank you all for staying with this story. Enjoy reading the next chapter.

When Arthur made an end to the training they all rushed to their young friend's side.
"You alright there, mate?" Gwaine asked but Merlin didn't seem to notice him.
"Merlin?" Lancelot gently laid a hand on his shoulder. To their surprise, the young man jerked away from the touch and he looked up with utter fear in his eyes. It took him a few seconds before he realized who was standing in front of him. He took a shuddering breath and schooled his expression.
"I'm sorry." he said, his voice nothing more than a whisper. He turned his gaze to the ground because he knew that he was being watched. 'That's the only reason I'm avoiding their eyes.' he tried to convince himself. 'Not because I believed them. I don't believe them. They are my friends.'
"Merlin, what's going on?" Silence.
"What happened?"
Merlin bit his lip. 'I should tell them. It's alright, they're my friends.' The young warlock looked back up and was about to say something when he saw sir Thomas out of the corner of his eyes. It was obvious he was watching him. He quickly closed his mouth again and shook his head.
"It's nothing. I'm alright." he answered with a small smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"You're a terrible liar." Arthur said.
"I'm not lying." was the short response. None of them were fooled by the fake smile on their friends face. They knew there was something he wasn't telling them but they couldn't force it out of him now, could they?
"Alright" Arthur said with a sigh. "Come on then, you can make me a bath. I sure can use that."
"You sure could, princess. You're smelling like a pig!" Gwaine joked, earning him a punch against his arm from the King. The others started to laugh but Merlin simply stood up and bowed his head, waiting for his master to order him to follow. Looking at him like that, one would almost think he was the example of obedience. The laughter quickly died out and the knights shared a few worried glances before Arthur gestured for his servant to follow him to the castle.

The raven haired boy started on his chore without complained. He ran up and down the stairs with buckets full of steamy water. It did nothing good for his bruised ribs but he tried to ignore the pain as much as he could. However, it made him move slower and by the time he arrived in the room, the water had cooled down a lot. On other days he would have used his magic to get the bath at the right temperature but now he felt like he didn't deserve to do it the easy way. If he wanted to be the King's friend he had to stop using his magic, at least for his daily tasks, and had to do his chores just like every other servant. He would try to be less useless, less worthless.
Arthur was watching his friend and could tell there was something terribly wrong but he didn't know how to get Merlin to tell him. 'Maybe he would feel better again if he could get away from the castle for a while.' he thought to himself. The royal quickly made up his mind. They would go on a hunting trip, just the seven of them. Leon, Elyan, Percival, Lancelot, Gwaine, Merlin and himself. He knew that his servant disliked hunting with a passion but he did like the trips he made with his friends. Hopefully it would be enough to get his idiotic, bumbling manservant back.
Pleased with himself he let his servant help him undress. He tried to not pay too much attention to the disturbing silence and stepped into his bath.
"Merlin! The water is cold! You are half asleep today!" he shouted with shivering breath.
Instead of getting the witty response Arthur had hoped for he saw his friend growing pale again and lowering his head in fear.
"I... I'm terribly sorry, sire. I'll get you some hot." he stuttered. He was just about to leave the room when his master called him back.
"Merlin, wait! It's alright, I didn't mean it like that. Just, euh, just leave it. It's refreshing."
"As you wish, sire." the young warlock said while he turned back around.
Arthur tilted his head and gazed at the dark haired man. He was more sure about his decision than he was before. His friend had to get away from everything for a while.
"Merlin, I'd like to go on a hunting trip tomorrow. Prepare the bags and inform the knights, will you? We'll leave tomorrow at dawn."
"All of them, sire?" If Arthur was shocked he didn't hear any complained about the hunting part, he didn't show it.
"No, just the round table knights will do."
The young boy made a bow and left the room. The King shook his head and sighed while he got out of the freezing water. 'I hope my plan will work.' he thought.
It didn't take long for the servant to find the other knights. They were still in the armory, polishing their own armor and laughing with each other. Merlin was just about to tell them the news when he saw they were not alone. The new recruits were also there, laughing along with something sir Leon had said. Gwaine gave sir Ethan a friendly slap on his shoulder and Lancelot smiled brightly at sir Ulrick. Just the sight of it made the secret warlock want to turn around and run out of the room but he stayed, remembering what the King had ordered him to do.
"I'm sorry to disturb you, sirs." he said, his gaze locked on the floor while he waited for permission to speak. Everyone turned their heads to look at him.
"Merlin, mate!" Gwaine exclaimed in a cheery voice. "What is it?"
"Arthur, the King, wants to go on a hunting trip. He asked me to inform you about his plan. We'll leave tomorrow at dawn."
"Who's going with him?" Leon asked.
"You and sirs Elyan, Percival, Lancelot and Gwaine, sir." he said without looking up.
"Very well" the older knight answered. "We'll be ready."
Merlin made a bow and left the room again. He could feel their eyes burn in his back. As he went to his own room to pack for the upcoming trip, he could feel tears prickling behind his eyes. 'They like them. They are friends.' he thought while the scene from the armory repeated itself inside his head. To say it pained him to see that, was an understatement.
As the raven haired boy entered the physicians chambers Gaius looked up at him and raised his famous eyebrow.
"You are back early."
"Arthur wants me to pack. We're going hunting tomorrow."
"Hunting? Again?" Merlin shrugged.
"What's troubling you, my boy?" the old physician asked concerned.
"Nothing Gaius. I just don't like hunting, that's all."
His mentor gave him a look that indicated he didn't believe a word he said but Merlin ignored it and went to his room. A few minutes later he came back with a half empty saddlebag in order to fill it with medical supplies. He made sure he took enough painkillers and bandages. It wouldn't be the first time if they would get attacked by bandits or other ruffians.
When he was certain he had everything he went back to Arthur's room. The king's bag wouldn't make itself. He softly knocked on the door and waited for an answer before entering.
"Come in." he heard and he pushed the door open.
"Merlin? Since when have you learned how to knock?"

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