Chapter 3

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We stood there for a long time just looking into each other's eyes, almost as if we could read their mind. Finally I was the first to move. I broke the silence and stared into the soggy ground.

"We should find somewhere to rest. Before that thing wakes up," I gestured toward the unconscious Ursaring," and nightfall."

"Yeah, I agree," he spoke at last.

I turned to walk expecting him to follow and forgetting about his injured paw. He took one step before realizing that too. Cedric gasped and cringed from the pain.

"Oh! Your hurt paw!" I said, quickly forgetting about the previous awkwardness. "Hold on, stay there. I'll try to find something."

I rushed through the nearby bushes, rummaging for something that would help. Running up to a large oak, I tore off a piece of bark and tested it under my paws. It broke instantly. I searched through everything close by, but nothing. He would just have to lean on my shoulder.

We limped along an old pathway. It was flattened down and obviously a popular path throughout the forest. We saw at least a dozen other pokemon pass through. Not one of them stopped to help us. They all just stared strangely at us, like we were mutants from a different planet, or they passed by us without even looking.

Wobbling along, darkness grew quickly. We still didn't have a place to sleep. A small clearing was visible through the trees when we stopped to take a break.

"Hey, look!" I panted. "Maybe we could stay there for the night."

Cedric just nodded. He was tired from walking all day and didn't have the energy to speak. I lead him into the clearing. He flopped down into the cushioned grass.

The moon now held its spot high in the sky. It shone down brightly, casting a ghostly shadow on all things beneath it. The stars complemented the moon as they dotted the sky giving it depth and beauty.

I ran around the small clearing collecting what ever soft things I could find to make temporary beds. Feathers, moss, and grass mostly made up the beds.

I was transporting the last load of feathers to the small spot, when the first rain drop of many hit me squarely in the nose. Then came another. Then another. Pretty soon the whole forest was cast down by the large drizzle.

Quickly, I ran back to our two makeshift beds. They were fortunately under a small outcropping made of rock, so we weren't bothered by the rain.

I settled into my fluffy bed, that was surprisingly very comfy, and rested my head on my paws. What a hectic day, I thought and ran through all the things that had happened that day.

First, I met this random boy who moved in across the street. Then, we got sucked into a tornado thing. Next, we learned that we had turned into Pokemon. Fourthly, we fought off that angry Ursaring. Now we're here. Under this rock. Acting like we go through this everyday.

It just didn't make sense. How we randomly turned into pokemon and are living here like we've been here hundred years. It just doesn't make sense.

Part of me is saying that this is all just a dream and I'm going wake up to the bedroom I've slept in since I could climb stairs. Yet another part of me is saying that I was brought here for a reason, a purpose.

Cedric. How is he handling this? Is he paranoid like I am? Or is he just living in the moment? No caring about what's going on or anything that's happened.

My thoughts through these things soon carried me into the clutches of sleep.

Cold stings hit my face. The bottoms of my paws felt as though they were about to fall of and my ears were frozen as well. I opened my eyes to a flurry of white, spinning snow. My breath seeped out of my mouth in wisps, quickly vaporizing.

Then a horrific scream cut through the rigid air. I whipped head around trying to distinguish where the voice came from. Another scream sounded.

I recognized the voice.

"Help!" the voice screeched. It was my younger sister, Maddie.

"Maddie!?" my yell echoed throughout this distant blur of white.

"Help!Lily!" Maddie screamed. By this time I could tell Maddie was behind me.

I spun around and ran in the direction from where her voice was coming from. "Don't worry, Maddie! I'm coming!"

A dark figure stared to outline itself through the blizzard. I ran toward it.

It wasn't Maddie. The large black figure took a step towards me and let out a deep, angry growl. I started to shake, out of fear or because I was cold, I would never know.

The creature opened its eyes. Blood red light shone through the falling snow. It was almost like its eyes were pulling mine. It wanted me to look at it and I did. The moment my eyes met with it, pure pain stabbed into my heart. It was like I saw every one I loved being tortured, murdered, killed right before me. I saw my brother being whipped and stabbed until the life in his eyes faded. I could do nothing about it, but I couldn't look away.

A bright light tore the terrible images from my mind. Suddenly I was in a grassy plain. I closed my eyes terrified to see that horrible creature again.

"It's alright, young one. The dream streaker is gone." a soothing voice spoke.

Cautiously, I opened my eyes. I looked up to see the pokemon that had saved my life. My breath quickened. I took a step backward.


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