Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Yellow lights broke into the darkness. I squinted and closed my eyes as they adjusted to the light.

I looked to my right to see Shard for the first time. When I saw him, I realized he was actually quite young. We both stared at each other for a moment while the rest of the hall woke up.

"Come on! Get up!" I heard the sound of Mak's voice. "You lot better work hard today, cause tomorrow's The Pickin'!"

"What's 'The Picking?" I whispered to Shard.

"It's where one of the boss's top generals come down and choose the pokemon that will be injected. They do it every month. Don't worry though, you won't get picked. You're new."
I let out a sigh of relief.

I saw that Aspear and Cedric were waking up. I walked over to them noticing that Cedric still had a cast on his leg.

"How are you feeling?" he asked Aspear.

"Better." she replied.

"Hey, you're already up." Cedric pointed out, looking at me.

"I've been up for a while, and I've learned somethings you should know..." I went on to repeat what Shard told me.

Aspear's eyes grew wide with fear,"You mean I'll never see Fang or Ecelect again?!" She shuttered. Something seemed to have passed through her mind. Taking all her hope with it.

"How do you know anyway?" Cedric added.

"A Sneasel over there told me. His name's Shard."

"Fang..."Aspear trailed off.

"It's alright." Cedric comforted her.

I heard the sound of Mak's footsteps reach our cell. He stuck the same rusty keys into as it squealed open. Cedric leaned on Aspear as we climed out of the cell. I looked behind me to Shard following right on my tail.

Hunger slowly started refill mind as I made my way down the hallway. I haven't eaten since I've transformed. I quickly remembered. It started gnaw at my belly and soon let out a grumble. Embarrassment filled me but was soon replaced by common sense. Hunger must be usual around here. That's why everyone's so skinny.

"Get used it." I heard Shard mutter from behind me.

"What?" I questioned back.

"They barely serve any food around here. If you could call it food. Grumbling bellies is a norm." I was right.

"Anything would be fine." My mouth started to water at the thought of eating.

We didn't talk for a while after that. I looked around observing the hallway. There weren't anymore cells, just stone to my right. As we sauntered, my thoughts began to travel.

"Hey, could I ask you something?"

"Sure. What?"

"Should I be nervous?"

"I wish I could say no." He simply stated.

I opened my mouth to say something, but our conversation was cut short when I finally reached to the end of the hallway. It opened up to reveal a large under ground room. The ceiling hung high above with scattered stalactites. Mines dotted the ground each about eight feet of each other.They stretched as far as I could see. The mines were giant holes that stretched so far down you couldn't make out the bottom.

"Wow..."I whispered under my breath. I looked at Aspear and Cedric only to see the shocked looks on their faces as well.

"Come on, this way," I turned to see the same Mightyena that was in Shard's cell motioning us to follow him. The Sneasel was standing next him and nodded approvingly.

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