Chapter 7

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The warm sunlight beamed down on the woods, making it hotter with every passing minute. Clouds did little help to protect the world below. The only shade there was, was beneath the trees. Which is exactly where Aspear and I sped through in the forest.

As we ran I got to know her a little more. It turns out that she, Fang, and some other pokemon actually run a berry farm and that Sitrus tree was a apart if it. That's why she thought I was stealing.

We soon reached the small clearing. The Snivy took the lead as we neared the rock outcropping.

Once we reached the inside I spotted a bored Cedric laying in his nest, pawing around a little pebble. He heard us coming and perked up.

"There you are,"his voice full of relief. Cedric turned to Aspear."Who's this?"

"This is-"I began before I was rudely interrupted by Aspear's hand across my mouth.

"I can introduce myself, thanks," she said snottily." I'm Aspear, your stealing friend and I came to get you so we find Fang."

"What?"Cedric replied confused.

"Well...." I told him the whole story.

"Oh, well then, what are we waiting for."He sprung to he feet only to fall back down again. He grunted loudly in pain. His foot obviously hadn't healed at all overnight.

"You're in no shape to go," Aspear rushed to his side helping him back up."But I think I can help that."

Cedric's eyes filled with thankfulness as he looked at her. He then turned to me. Suddenly, his face was horror stricken. Not at me,but at something above me. More precisely, something behind me.

A hot, sticky breath seeped on to my fur and stuck to it. I didn't dare look behind me. I slowly started to walk forward, but as soon as I moved one paw, the creature struck. A piercing pain tore through my body as I felt claws rake down my back.

I screeched in pain and my legs fell limp to the ground. My body stiffened, not allowing me to move even a muscle.

I could still see and hear though.

The creature that struck me, roared in such easy victory. I felt a large paw wrap around my mid section. It lifted me into the air and brought me up to its face. I met a broad purple creature with spikes sticking this way and that. But his eyes were the thing that was most noticing. They were a bloodshot red. Light illuminated from them, shining down onto my body.

Nidoking. I thought.

Suddenly, a voice screamed,"Ecelect, Rock Slide!"

Instantly, large boulders formed above the Nidoking and came slamming down. He released me and chose to defend himself by punching the rocks. They shattered and broke, scattering the ground with rock debris.

I could hear the Nidoking's huffing as the dust cloud disappeared. Just then, another sight came into view.

It was a girl. She looked to be twelve or thirteen. Her hazel eyes reflected the sun, and a passion for adventure could be told through them as well. Her straight, dirty blonde hair fell onto her bright green jacket. She also wore battered blue jeans and old sneakers.

Hovering beside her, was a Flygon. I guessed that was Ecelect.

The Nidoking turned to the Flygon and roared a horrific roar. Ecelect returned that with a shriek and a Dragon Claw to the face. The Nidoking took the hit and staggered backwards. His paws touched the side of his face, covering the wound. Once he removed them I could make out three deep, scarlet gashes on his cheek. Even through his erie, red, glowing eyes, I could see his growing anger.

The Nidoking retaliated. A glowing purple stared to form at the end of its wrists. He lunged at Ecelect, but she was to quick and caught his paws in mid air. Quickly, Ecelect opened her mouth and a Dragon Pulse came soaring out of it.

The Nidoking's large body was thrusted into the air. He skidded the ground as he fell, ripping up clumps of grass and dirt. The once beautiful clearing had turned into a torn up wasteland. The Nidoking lay unmoving for a few moments.

A rustling came from behind me.

"Is it dead?" I heard Cedric whisper.

"I don't know."Aspear whispered back.

Then, the Nidoking slowly arose. He trembled, but was able to get his feet. His body was covered with scratches and scars. The erie glow in his eyes began to diminish. They returned to their normal black.

He suddenly looked astonished and afraid. He blinked several times, staring around at his surroundings. He obviously looked lost. Before anyone could do anything, he turned and ran away into the forest.

Once we lost sight of the Nidoking. The girl sighed in relief.

"You can come out now Aspear. It's all right." She spoke.

I heard Aspear's footsteps behind me and she soon came into my view. Aspear ran up to the girl and jumped into her arms.

"Fang!" Aspear called. She jumped onto Fang's shoulders and curled her tail around her neck. "How did you find us?"

"Well, since you hadn't come back from your rounds, I figured something must be wrong," Fang replied.

I was surprised. She understood our words.

"Thank Arceus you came, or we'd all be goners." Aspear thanked.

"That reminds me!" Fang said.

She got up and walked over to me. Then, knelt down and studied my stiff body.

"Definitely paralyzation," Fang concluded.

She then pulled out a small red berry from the bag she wore on her back. Fang pulled it in half and brought it to my mouth. I could barely move enough just to eat it. The berry had subtle sweetness and a little tangy flavor.

Almost instantly, a tingle began the tips of my ears, legs, and tail. After a few moments my ear twitched. I smiled. I was surprised that I could smile. I started to have a little feeling in my legs. Flexing my toes one by one, loosened my legs. Soon after I could wobbly stand up.

Fang smiled. I smiled. She then turned to Cedric. She reached into her bag and pulled out gauze and a stick thing. She walked to him and mended his leg. I watched carefully. She placed the stick thing up against his leg and straightened it out. She then softly wrapped around the gauze. Cedric flinched in pain, but bore through it.

Fang finished and backed away to reveal Cedric's new cast. He smiled approvingly.

Then, out of no where it happened. Sharp pain and black surrounded us. Someone was there, moving in the shadow, but I couldn't tell what. I couldn't see anyone else either. Then, something hard hit the side of my head and I fell unconscious to the ground.

Just before I blacked out, a single thought popped into my head. Nidoking couldn't learn any paralyzing moves.



Hey guys! I hoped you liked the chapter. Sorry that I've been gone for a while. I just wanna give a shoutout to @FariyTailDemigod for giving me Fang's character. Thanks so much for reading!

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