chapter 31

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Chapter 31

I swung into the kitchen skipping towards the island. I don’t know why but I woke up this morning in a pretty good mood. I guess it’s because all day yesterday I didn’t think about Luke once or even the complications between me Damon. I just thought about others. Like how I was going to confront Isabel or if I even am going to. Or how I’m going to ask my dad to in-role the girls into school. And this morning I notice that the rings under my eyes are fading and my checks are getting some color back. It’s still going to take a while until I get some meat back on my bones so my clothes are still a little baggy on me.

I think not seeing Damon at all after school might have helped. I mean don’t get me wrong, I missed him like crazy but I tried my hardest not to think about him.

“Hey,” I said to my dad hopping up on a stool.

“hey.” He said turning around to grin at me. He picked up a pancake with a spatula and set it on a plate nearby.

Me and my dad have been closer than ever since the whole Luke thing. He forgave me for saying those awful things to him and he’s been there for me ever since I got back. He’s been great same with my mom, I couldn’t ask for better parents.

“So I wanted to ask you something.” I told him.

“Okay.” He said turning around to face me.

I crossed my arms on the island and leaned on them. “So me and the girls were wondering if they could go back to school.” I said in a rush. He crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side. “I think it’ll be good for them. You know, to get back out there and get some normalcy back in their lives. I mean they can’t get keep living like this. And their ready to move on to. If you could just-“

“Hold on, Delilah,” he said holding up his hand. “I think it’s a great idea.” He said.

I blinked. “You do?” I asked.

He smiled. “I do. I was waiting until they felt like they were ready to get back out there but if their ready then I think it’s a great idea.” He said.

I smiled and jumped up rounding the island and giving him a hug.

“Thank you, dad.” I mumbled into his chest. I looked up at him. “For everything.”

He squeezed me one last time then released me. “I love you.” He said planting a kiss on my forehead.

When I told the girls that they were going back to school they got so excited they launched into their plans of what to wear and what classes to take. I had to tell them they won’t be going until at least Thursday because my dad still had to in-role them and set up their classes. They were disappointed about that but still excited all the same. I had to say goodbye to them to head out to school.

Jake’s POV

My leg bounced up and down while my fingers tapped the desk top. I glanced at the clock for what seems the thousandth time and it didn’t even seem like it moved an inch. I groaned in frustration throwing my hands up and leaning back in my seat.

I haven’t told Violet about mates or even me being a werewolf. But I have decided to do it soon maybe even today…maybe. The bell finally rang signaling homeroom was over. I jumped out of my seat and pushed past people to get out the door.

I rushed to Violet’s locker trying to beat her there but yet again she beat me. I walked up behind her placing my hand on her waist then leaned up against the locker next to hers. I’ve been taking it slow with Violet; she told me she hasn’t had much experience with guys in the past.

She looked over at me smiling. She grabbed her books then closed her locker door.

I grabbed her free hand intertwining our fingers. “You should really let me carry those.” I told her for the millionth time.

She smiled up at me. “I am very capable of caring my own books but thank you.”

I kissed her temple which sent a scarlet trail over her cheek bones. I shook my head at her but I have to admit I love it when she blushes. I looked down the hallway in time to catch someone walking towards us. A someone I thought I never would see again. Isabel. I frowned, confused at why she was here.

She walked by us smirking at me. “That was cute.” She sneered. She slammed her palm down on Violet’s books making them fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Isabel’s laugh echoed off the lockers while to continue to walk down the hallway.

Yep, that’s Isabel alright.

I sighed bending to help Violet pick up her books. When they were all gathered up and back in her arms, I glanced back down the hall in time to see Isabel turning the corner giving me wink then she was gone.

What is she up to? I asked myself.

Delilah’s POV

I stuffed my books in my locker after first hour. Isabel was at her locker a few hallways away while I grabbed my books. I was searching in my second hour’s book making sure I have my homework in there and done when out of the corner of my eye I saw someone lean against the locker next to mine.

When I looked over I saw Damon. I smiled at him seeing his familiar black motorcycle jacket and his boots. He’s going to need a haircut soon his bangs are starting to hang in his eyes. I push back his bangs so I can see those green eyes I remember so much and how they can cut right through me.

“You look like you’re in a good mood today.” He said catching my hand.

I smiled again. “I am. I feel great.” I said shrugging.

I smiled a real smile that I missed so much. “Good.” He said. He leaned down placing a small kiss on my lips. He didn’t deepen it but it still felt intimate. Maybe because it’s been weeks since he tried anything intimate. I placed my hand on his check when the bell rang.

He pulled back and smiled at me. “See you after class?” he asked.

I nodded my head smiling back at him. When he moved to go around me to leave I spotted Isabel standing right behind him. I jumped a little surprised she was there. Damon walked away towards his class.

My hand went to my heart. “Isabel, I didn’t know you were there.” I said.

“How long have you guys been dating?” she asked starting down the hall.

I fell in step with her when I thought about it. Technically me and Damon aren’t dating. We haven’t made it official or anything. Yeah we accepted each other but we haven’t made anything official.

“We haven’t actually made it official.” I told her.

“Oh, so he’s still able to see other people then.” She said.

I frowned. “No, I mean I guess were dating but we haven’t put a label on it.” I explained.

“But if you didn’t then he might still think it’s an open relationship.” She said titling her head to look at me.

Would Damon do that? No, were mates he wouldn’t see someone else. He’s different; he’s not his old self anymore. He’s different. I kept telling myself.

“But,” Isabel continued. “I really doubt Damon would do that to you. I mean the way you guys look at each other, I can just tell he wouldn’t do that.” She said resting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded my head agreeing with her. Of course Damon wouldn’t do that to me. “Plus Damon doesn’t have a past of doing that, right?” she smiled at me walking into the classroom.

I froze outside the classroom. I looked at the classroom Damon was in. He wouldn’t, I told myself. Right?

He’s another chapter for you guys!!!! I hope you like and I hope you guys tell me what you think.

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