chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I waited until after midnight to sneak out. I texted Damon telling him I would meet him at the end of our driveway. I glance back at the house making sure no one woke up. When the coast was clear I headed towards Damon.

I climbed on the back of his bike and we took off. We needed up at the lake. I climbed off. I took slow breath trying to calm my breathing.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” he asked. “Oh, are you nervous about sneaking out?” he teased.

I turned to face him. “Damon, why is Luke after you?” I whispered.

His face went blank with no expression. He turned and started walking towards the lake. “Were back to this?”

“I think I have the right to know.”

He turned to face me. “Why? We’re not even dating so why does it matter?” he snapped.

“Don’t try to change the subject, Damon.” I said walking up to him even though it hurt to hear him say it but I pushed it away. “Tell me.”

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, Delilah. It’s in the past, already done. And obviously Luke doesn’t care anymore because he’s not here.” He spread his arms wide, indicating all around us.

“Damon, my dad said that the pack has picked up another scent.”


I rolled my eyes. “So, it means Luke didn’t give up on you. He’s still here.”

“Even if he’s still here doesn’t seem like he wants to come at me. So I’m fine.” He said turning around.

That night when Luke came up to me outside my house came to mind. I grabbed on to his arm stopping him from going anywhere.

“Damon, just tell me so I can help you.” I begged him.

He turned and walked up to me. “You want to help me? Drop it.” He snapped. He yanked his arm out of my grasp and started walking again.

I felt the wind pick up making my hair whip around my face. I wipe my hair away and marched up next to him.

“Damon, enough!” I said stepping in front of him, stopping him from walking. “Why can’t you let someone in? Why won’t you let me help you?” I asked getting pissed off and hurt that he won’t trust me enough.

He wouldn’t meet my eyes just kept looking over my head. “Leave it, Delilah.” He said.

I took a step back shaking my head. “No, Damon because unlike you, I don’t give up on people or push them away. When you find out where we stand with each other, come find me.” I said then pushed past him and walked away.


I walked down the stairs bending down to tie my combat boot. I stood up straight again and walked into the kitchen. I slumped into the stool at the counter and leaned on my hand. I stifled a yawn then pushed my hair out of my face. When I got home last night I couldn’t get to sleep the whole episode with Damon kept running through my head. I know I could have handled that a whole lot better but it hurt.

Resisting temptation  (sequel to my life as Aubrey)Where stories live. Discover now