4: Work, Work, Work

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"Hey, Naka-Naka." I replied, balancing my phone with my shoulder and trying to make dinner. I decided to help out with 'housewife duties' and give Mariah a rest, "How'd the date go?"

"What date?"

"You still haven't got a girlfriend yet?" I said, in mock surprise.

"No. Stop winding me up, B. You know you're the only one for me."

"If that's so, then you'll have to come over and move in Mariah's place right now!" I teased.

"Nah, I don't wanna be living with Mariah Carey-"

"Why not? You might have a chance of seeing her virtually naked in the morning." I said with a smirk.

"You're the same though, aren't you?"

"Mmm...not quite. My boobs are smaller."

"What? But you're not an A-"

"Shut up, it's because Mariah got pregnant and she grew a size bigger. I'm a 34D, and she's a 34DD."

"You must be jealous of her."

"No, not really...at least mine won't sag more." I pointed out, "She'll be jealous of me when we're old and grey."

"And still living together?" Bryan asked.

"F*** off, Tanaki! I'm only staying until James comes back from his business trip in China. He's coming back in the next three weeks, I think."

"Is that rock, he gave her, bigger in person?"

"Yup. Bigger than my head."

"34 carats, right?"

"I'm thinking 50." I joked.

Speaking of Mariah, she came into the kitchen, shrieking her head off, "BIANCA! YOUR BOSS IS CALLING ME!"

"Ugh...hang on, Bryan." I said to Bryan, before covering the phone with my hand, "Coming!"

When I went in the hallway, I took the phone from Mariah and answered, "What is it, Fred? How'd you get this number?" I was gonna say 'my sister's number', but then I remembered that he doesn't know.

That will always be a secret that's just between Mariah, the twins, Mom and I. Allison and Morgan know as well, but f*** them.

"Oh, don't worry about that. This is just the landline number you wrote down for me." Fred said. Oh yeah, "I need you to do a longer shift for me next Wednesday - Trent's fallen ill and I need you to take over until seven."

"But I'm looking after my brother's kids that night, Fred. Can't you get Ashton to do it, or something?" I lied.

Morgan? Kids? Never in a million years!

But what else could I say?

'Oh, sorry, but I'll be babysitting Mariah Carey's kids on Wednesday'?

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